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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. And not a single person will be the least bit surprised if that verifies........
  2. Eric Fisher on Twitter At face value, it's a good setup for heavy snow late Wednesday. So what could go wrong? My main concern is the northern extent of that heavy snow. Will be watching the trends and should be more clear by tomorrow AM No need to rush still days away The storm that heads off to our south tomorrow becomes a beast in the North Atlantic. Will be an important part of the follow-up storm that's our main snow chance
  3. How many people will truly be surprised if the GFS and The Pope is correct????
  4. About as likely as the Mets "busting" on FA signings.......
  5. Essentially it is a Jackie Bradley swing and a miss........
  6. I think it may be their way of expressing some "concern" about the entire setup for the week ahead.
  7. James received an early Christmas gift.........
  8. 2020 the year that keeps on giving..........
  9. A good read Verifying and Reflecting On the Forecast for 12-5-20 | Forecasterjack
  10. How does the cost compare to having a generac installed?
  11. Lawns have the look of mid to late April. As of friday there were a few dandelions in the yard.
  12. Different winter but more of the same BS......
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