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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Speak for yourself. I have brown grass, and a few patches of melting snow.
  2. It will you wear that "S' super man shirt.
  3. Happy VD. Hold on to your massive pack, SNE (except for James and the rest of the Cape, and islands). It will be just a dream soon enough.
  4. I dont think I've seen and heard as much post storm hype on TV than I am hearing all day for this loser of a storm. You'd think that 3 feet fell the way they just keep talking, and talking about it.
  5. You and I are neck and neck with snow totals right now in our race to winter futility. The 14.5" that I now have includes November where that one shot, 6" snow has been the biggest of the season so far, as well as the month with the most snow for me.
  6. Sleet here in Manchester for the past 35-40 minutes
  7. Snow lasted for about 4 hours here at work in Manchester. Picked up maybe 2". Sleet kicked in at about 3pm. Just a meh-fest as expected. Am leaving in a few minutes and will see what it's like out in Brooklyn soon.
  8. People are just looking for a nice, significant snowfall, minus the freezing rain, sleet, or rain. I am not sure why that is so hard to figure out. It's been part of what has driven people on this board for years. Some people want to see an all snow event. It may not be what people will get, but it's what some (at this point SNE people) are looking to have weatherwise in the winter. This is nothing new, and nothing to shame people about.
  9. Would be perfect timing for my move over the next few weeks. Nothing like snow and slush and cold and moving tons of furniture at the same time. Seems to make sense that this would happen then.
  10. They closed the Brooklyn golf course 2 years ago. Now it is just an overgrown field.
  11. Yeah, and the snowy solution for next week that was talked about last week will disappoint SNE as well. Maybe March will pull through with a 12"+ storm.
  12. The Ice Man does not cometh.
  13. The groundhog has differing opinions on your definition of Spring.
  14. If that is the same kind of "fun" we were supposed to have the week of 1/19 up until now I'd rather go straight to spring.
  15. I am still here and my trolling talent is matched by no one.
  16. Great. DEEP winter cold with an inch of snow on the ground, all of my "pack" will be gone early next week.
  17. I think I need one of those old school 'Twas The Night Before Christmas/ Ebenezer Scrooge type night caps to cover my dome. It is right next to a window. Eric, maybe you can photoshop me into one.
  18. Why are you excluding the first half of Feb (which would mean a month and a half)?
  19. ...I am salivating as I await the squall line. Pathetic times call for pathetic expectations.
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