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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Yup. Same here. That and "A Wild and Crazy Guy" have some of the best routines...I think one of those has the King Tut song on there too.
  2. Lol. Funny. Forgot about that scene. Steve Martin is awesome. Been a fan since I was really young. My girlfriend bought me tickets to see him and Martin Short a few weeks ago at Foxwoods. I laughed the whole time. Was awesome.
  3. Plus the clocks jump ahead adding an extra hour of sun.
  4. Ark business ramping up in preparation.
  5. Shamrocks and Shenanigans and drinking Guinness while wearing sparkling, green speedos and "Kiss Me I'm A Weenie" wife beaters on St. Paddy's Day?
  6. Refresh my memory about 1987?
  7. This ...and a half inch here or there at the beginning of April during those useless days of cold would at least give me accumulating snow for 6 months in a row. (barely in Dec. with .5")
  8. Lol. To be clear White Out is just going to a new home and not being put out to pasture. I will be living in a place where I wont be able to use him any more.
  9. If this is true, it is the funniest, and most weenie-ish thing I've ever read.
  10. It saddens me to say that my snow thrower, White Out will made his final cut last night. It was fitting that in a season where he went un-used up until last night that his final run was for a good ole fashioned, days of yore, 15" storm. White Out was purchased 20 years ago this year at a now non-existent small engine shop in Canton, Mass. He has helped me through some of the toughest winters in both the Boston area as well as here in Connecticut, including the unforgettable winter of 2014/15 where he carved his way through 100" of pure joy. He has also been there for the down times...always waiting, and wanting to sink his teeth into a new coating of white gold...Including the infamous winter of 2011/2012...A bleak moment in SNE winter history, but also stark reminder that Mother Nature holds all of the cards. And if she says snow ain't comin' then it ain't comin' and there's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes we didn't always get along, like the numerous occasions where I pushed him hard to clear many inches of plow driven man snow away from the base of the driveway. There were also those days where I waited too long after a storm and found myself forcing him to cut into a frozen pack. But we were good together, and good for each other. Through the good and the bad White Out was always reliable...always there for me...always eager to serve. Even though he was never excited about the gravel driveway, I knew that he was just a new sheer pin away from happiness. Now, as I move on it is time for White Out and me to go our separate ways. I will be giving him to a friend who needs him. This new situation will be perfect as WO is beginning to show his age. He will be given an easy, double wide, flat asphalt driveway to clear. No more stones caught in the auger...No more pot holes and rugged terrain...No more doubling back, multiple times to clear huge swaths of driveway, and no more tough, bumpy, uphill climbs...No more parked in an exposed lean-to, covered with a tarp, with the wind whipping at your chute. Here's to you my friend. I hope you continue to satisfy your need to feed, while living a long and fruitful life at your new home. Take care Pics of last nights final cut...
  11. Wow. Every day the depletion goes and goes and goes until it is gone.
  12. Kind of a racist thing to say.
  13. Crazy. 15 here. I wish I was awake to see the heavy hotties falling in the middle of the night.
  14. We shall dub this one, The Scooter Melt Storm. At the end of last week Scott was just about fed up and ready to jump off the Tobin ...again. This one was truly redeeming indeed. 3 on Saturday, and 15+today. Unreal.
  15. This will be dubbed the Scooter Meltdown storm of 2019. Any updates on start time? Jerry mentioned around Dawn tomorrow. Is this still a good time frame to keep in mind?
  16. Ahhhh. Even the good ole' 8 bit graphics make it clear that this sh*tty rain-fest keeps going. Just an amazingly disappointing winter even when looked at through the eyes of Pitfall Harry (Vague Atari 2600 reference for all of the youngsters out there)
  17. I have had 10 "events" and am still under 20" for the season.
  18. Definitely never ending winter for them.
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