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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. ...on the bright side I have not had to use my snowblower once this year. I kind of figured that would be the case since I had an extensive tune up and some repairs done last fall. I have not shoveled either. Back saving, and gas saving winter FTW.
  2. Lakeside...Still about an inch left. Winds are howlin'
  3. Picked up maybe 1.5, but as expected it's almost all washed away. Mommy, I want off of this ride. No more.
  4. If someone can post the most obscure, low budget model that shows the most southern solution with the most snow, just for laughs it would be most appreciated, and greatly boost my hopes. Thanks in advance.
  5. Would work out perfectly if I could pick up 40+ inches. This would get me to my yearly average. Fingers crossed.
  6. Ahhh. Yes. That area is closer to me, but has better snow than me...probably most of the time this winter.
  7. Tomorrow's event looks like a loser (as has been for most of the winter) for my area, so now it's on to hopefully one more chance mid month.
  8. At least 15 rain events since that first December snow. There goes my final inch or so of snow, straight into the storm drain.
  9. lol. 14.3 in Killingly. My 9.5 cries at that. My guess is that is an East Killingly number.
  10. I don't remember if he promised me 9.5 by this time in the season...I will have to go back and check his crystal ball write up.
  11. ...Me and my 4" surrounded by a 5.5", 7", and a bunch of 6.5" totals. I am truly in the WORST place for snow in NE, CT. Only been living there for a little over a year and I miss Brooklyn snow down the road. ...and even there it wasn't to great. My 4" aligns with the 4" from the coast, miles south of me. f.ucking awesome.
  12. "shooting the boot" is something done in rugby, during post match drink-ups either at the bar, party, wherever. When group sing-a-longs happen, and if you were the person leading the song, and mess up the lyrics you have to shoot the boot...This means take the nastiest rugby boot (cleat/ shoe), and fill it with whatever alcohol was lying around (and sometimes spit, and other stuff). Some of the older rugby songs have some of the nastiest lyrics by the way. I think the whole practice has become a bit tamer over the years.
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