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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Maybe, but Flippity floppity (i.e. Kevin) would be Robert The Bruce. ...One day as King of Cold the next day as Sultan of sweat.
  2. Jezus. I guess there can be abbreviations for everything.
  3. Yup, and Yup. I suppose the doubling of the models could mean higher accuracy...or not, but I kind of like the twice daily format.
  4. ...Norwich Schools 2 hour delay due to Yantic River Flooding the streets. Brooklyn Fairgrounds next to my apartment was flooded. Small pond formed at the west entrance. Good thing for the "Early Warning Weather", and "Weather Alert" forecasting. I was able to fend off any panic I might have had otherwise thanks to the forward thinking t.v. network producers and their eye catching slogans .
  5. If there is anyone here who has connections to the management of the Connecticut channel 3 news team please let them know that every day and every news cast does not require an "Early Warning Weather" title to their broadcast. All day and every day we do not need to be warned and fearful of the weather. Thanks in advance.
  6. Must not have been too enjoyable watching the dews rise while in the comfort of your AC. I doubt you truly enjoyed the true effect of the dews. You are spewing fake dew love. I went all summer in my apartment with zero AC.
  7. I must have missed the 150+ mph James winds today. Anyone get some of that action today?
  8. Can you travel on that road out to the lighthouse in low tide?
  9. Check the internet. You will probably find some info there.
  10. Yeah. It looks like they have the cam set to a past recorded feed now.
  11. The odd thing is when people talk about how well their house is built and all of this macho type talk about survival and "toughing it out". It was probably mentioned before, but if you have a cat 5 resistant house then good for you. But unless you have a completely self sustaining property to go along with it it won't matter if the one lane road is impassible for days, and there is no power, gas, or water as well. ...Plus you make the job of the rescuers and other emergency people that much harder. Definitely keep us informed on how your foolish friend makes out down there.
  12. That's where my mom lives too. ...Interesting.
  13. It looks like Kevin received the dream summer that he asked for last December while sitting on Santa’s lap. It has been an unreal season of wall to wall high temps and high dews, possibly to be topped off with some tropical activity over the next few weeks. Congrats to all who dreamed it into reality. We couldn’t have suffered for the past 3+ months without your hard work and dedication to the cause. I raise a sh*tty, stale bread tasting craft beer and toast in your honor.
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