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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. I've been to this gtg 3 years in a row. Did not make last year and can't make this year. People can make it if they plan for it.
  2. Retrograde? Return? Rerun? Rumble? Rambo?
  3. Let me be more specific...Which EXACT DATE works for you...one that does not have soccer or other obligations behind it?
  4. What day and location works for you?
  5. One of Tip's posts all strewn out in a link.
  6. Old Forge NY area has had trails open since hunting season ended on the 2nd or 3rd.
  7. Ryan's 10 day just now was as boring and mundane as can be. Awful. ...with a touch of 50's at the end. I swear it looked like he gave a sh*t eating smirk when he mentioned the rain for Saturday.
  8. I thought it was going to be 51 for a 3 day period.
  9. Back enders are usually over rated, and will break your heart.
  10. Nothing to do here these days but look back at historical events of yore.
  11. ...This does not mean that you are losing the Weenie Tag anytime soon. Brownie points don't work.
  12. Actually, it is somewhat the opposite, but not completely world class on the scale of many European cities. The last 15-20 years Boston has actually begun to express the world class vibe on a bigger scale. As negative a feel it seemed to have at the time, the aftermath of the big dig project, while not really an answer to the traffic problem, has brought about many showcase buildings and upgrades to, as well as new features to the above ground landscape. There is a history to Boston that is truly American, but also rich in European roots. The city has come a long way since the despair of the late 1960's and 1970's. Believe it or not one gauge of "world class" is extended nightlife, a feature that Boston does not have. Sh*t shuts down at 1 or 2. Many people from other countries enjoy being out until 3 or 4 in the morning, knowing that there is lively activity...Boston does not allow for that. But, as far as the pre-nightlife activities, there is much to explore and learn from Boston through museums, universities and other tours in and around the city. There is always the fear of the homogenized, corporate b.s. that we see taking over neighborhoods with chain after chain, but (at the time being) Boston has enough going on to offset this.
  13. I was at an architecture & building expo at the mothership in South Boston last week. It had been 5 years or so since I last attended, and been in that part of the city and I could not believe the construction going on there. One of the last the last projects I worked on when I worked in Boston was parts of the Silver Line project. When it opened it seemed funny how it just went to the Seaport Hotel and the convention center that was stil in construction at the time with not much else around (maybe the courthouse?). Now, it is like mini Dubai type stuff going on (some call it crane city). Office building and apartment building after office building and apartment building being built...With some mixed use and hotels thrown in there. The funny thing is that besides the Silver Line there really have not been many infrastructure improvements. This whole area was an industrial port zone, and now they are just throwing up these 10-20 story buildings on to a sewer, water, and gas system that is really not completely ready for the influx. ...Oh, and there is not a grocery store in sight so everyone has to uber it over to South Bay or somewhere else until the Target is built. It looks cool, but much of the side talk at the expo was regarding the poor infrastructure planning. But...People want this type of living and will pay the $2,500-$3,500 or more for a meager 2 bedroom apartment. They will either work within walking distance or jump on the sliver line busses to down town and beyond. One of the long range plans for Back bay is to have the entire Mass pike covered with some type of structures from Mass Ave East towards I93. Much of the area just east of mass ave is filled in towards back bay, but it is the area from Clerendon beyond that wants to be filled in. More volume, more numbers of people, and an aging subway and water and sewer system that again will have to be addressed over time to deal with the influx. There is already a tower that is going to be just shy in height of the Prudential by a few feet that will be filled with luxury apartments. ...As long as people keep flocking to the city, this stuff will continue to be built. Edit: Cities are not just for the youth anyomore. My friends parents move out of the suburbs of NYC into a 42nd story penthouse apartment overlooking the world trade center memorial. ...Literally looking right down on that and the museum. They enjoy that lifestyle and want nothing to do with lawns, and having to take care of a house or be in a suburan setting. I know other older people who have made similar moves.
  14. Time for the suicide by snowblower post.
  15. lol. What the hell happened in here over night? Winter weather betting lines?...Lisa and her chicken?...Steve gone wild (again)? Sure signs of absolute winter boredom. Now that we are only 3 weeks from Christmas there is probably the mention of a Grinch storm in there somewhere as well.
  16. Well...You can at least lock in more charts and graphs. We know that they are your favorite thing.
  17. Congrats to all of us who picked up .125-.25 overnight. If I didn't have this f*cking gout in my toe I would be busting out the snowshoes today.
  18. You will yore, and you will LOVE it.
  19. The last 4 pages of this thread are lol. Frustrated weenies, confused weenies and mildly angry weenies abound.
  20. Yeah. Was nice. Then the train of cold continued.
  21. Last year's Christmas, although not a huge snow event was one of the best anti-Grinch one's in a while. Grinch being called right up to a few days before only to wake up with a decent, small snow event Christmas Day. Not a 2 footer, but awesome just the same.
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