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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. Funny thing is that as this turns into a bust I am not getting as triggered as I could have been. No meltdown...No death by snowblower. Once a fighter has been beaten down repetitively he gets used to it. Sure, there's a bit of shock but after a quick adjustment the beatings feel natural. Eventually he learns to stay down and take the KO, which will most likely happen sooner than later.
  2. Mid day news showed a nice bunch of rain from I-84 south and east for the Sunday deal. Was surprised they even talked about it yet. They even showed their fake "future" forecast map.
  3. Good for heating and cooling: https://www.ecomfort.com/cooling/ductless-mini-split-systems.html
  4. Don't worry. People are still laughing at it.
  5. We need a January Discussion III thread.
  6. Meh. I'll take a few inches and some ice. If it's all I got... then it's all I got. It will be what it will be.
  7. I should be there. My daughter is going to DC with friends, not me.
  8. My daughter is planning on going to DC for a march this Friday. I have Friday and Saturday hotel.booked down town. What are the initial thoughts on weather for the Friday to Sonday period in DC then up 95 to our area? I want to know if I should consider canceling the room. I have until wed. To do it. Thoughts?
  9. ...Been almost 2 months since I've seen any significant snow and now the MA may be getting hammered again? ...This plus epic clown range snows that may barely breath in my direction could ultimately seal my fate, which might include me tying my snowblower to my leg ... walking off the Tobin ... sending the two of us into the dark depths of the icy waters below.
  10. Holy crap. Thst is some fantasy s*it right there. One spot in Maine with 84 and I am struggling to get 6 or 8. Long range, single solution clown map but amazing just the same.
  11. As much as I suck with abbreviations, I know that one.
  12. The freezer or the fridge? How cold are we talking?
  13. Once it gets closer we can always re-adjust and push for a snowy weekend the week after...rinse and repeat until there are no more snow chances left this season.
  14. lol. You must have had a hard freeze for a few weeks.
  15. I saw newly un-earthed, dead grub in the grass the other day.
  16. Lol. That is amazing. With the exception of the Berks, the snow actually wraps around sne, completely knocking us out of it. The way this season is going it might as well be that way. Unreal
  17. What do we have for a jackpot amount and location so far?
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