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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. All of this gloom and doom! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  2. Some good cardio! Nothing wrong with that
  3. All is well. The Eagles took care of the Boys yesterday
  4. Not a great sign when Bamwx seems ready to pull the plug.
  5. I know. We are in dire times unfortunately
  6. Just to post some optimistic tweets - maybe something positive for weenies will happen
  7. Murphy's law of weather for the Mid Atlantic
  8. .3 inches of snow in Lewes. Very picturesque- winning for this time of the year
  9. Beautiful snowy morning here. A good coating- maybe a little more. Heavy wet snow
  10. Snow tv tomorrow still excites me. Bring it on. I’ve learned to appreciate whatever we get
  11. The beauty of weather- with all the intricacies and complexities - one can find support for his or her view anytime. So if you forecasted a cold month or winter you can find maps/indices/theories that back you up. Conversely if u went warm you could can post maps that back you up. Best to try to decipher things yourself. Because everyone (knowingly or not) has his/her bias. Majority of the time knowing who the person who posted or tweeted you know what he or she is going to say
  12. Yeah the weather this past month has been quite enjoyable. Very refreshing
  13. Just my opinion but the absolute worst winter pattern is ice cold and dry then it gets mild when the inevitable cutter hits and then cold right after. Not a fan- I’d rather just have warm weather the whole time.
  14. Happy Birthday!! Hopefully you will have several chances to enjoy cold libations in a blizzard or 2 at the beach this year
  15. So is December cancelled or not today? So hard to keep up
  16. Wow the Eagles are losing to the dolphins. Fins score a td on a fake punt. What a disaster
  17. When Bob talks about hiking and mountain biking. It’s time to shut the blinds and enjoy life. Snow isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Let’s enjoy a record breaking +AO
  18. BWI 3.1” DCA 2.2” IAD 3.2” RIC 1.9” Tiebreaker SBY 2.1”
  19. Rematch of classic 2016 game in college where clemson prevailed 42-36. Should be a fun game
  20. Doesn’t the room usually open by thanksgiving? A couple of ugly model days and the place will be rockin like last winter. We are always on edge here in the mid Atlantic
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