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Prestige Worldwide

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Everything posted by Prestige Worldwide

  1. Let’s get some of this ❄️- looks like we have a nice chance
  2. I think Flacco comes in the next offensive series for the ravens. He has to doesn’t he?
  3. A gimmick offense like the ravens run Work well the first time they play an opponent. Having just faced the chargers- not so much
  4. It's getting close to my favorite season- Tracking season!! It's been a remarkably boring winter so far. Of course I'd love to score a major blizzard- but tracking is more than half the fun for me
  5. With a handle like snowstorm5921 you should be more optimistic about snow- even if it’s wrong
  6. Isotherm is one smart guy. I learned a new word from him
  7. We have a nao now and we are in a shitout pattern I see what you did there. That’s no typo.
  8. This sounds great- for my heating bill
  9. I’m confident we will get all the teleconnections and MJO in line in mid March. Just in time for us to get a cool and rainy spring. Should be epic for NY on north. Just not in the cards for me this year. I truly relish the 25 wet mangled flakes that I received in early December. I’m thinking a shutout for me is in the cards. But each day - I still check the models w fresh hope. You know what they say the definition of insanity is.
  10. According to my always accurate iPhone weather- I will not be getting below 34 degrees the next 10 days. What an epic winter so far
  11. The good thing is- tracking should continue to be easy for the next 20 days or so if everyone was allowed 1 edit before the new year- how much slashing of totals would be happening?
  12. This could be the year of the road trip to see snow. Aberdeen , SD has a blizzard warning tomorrow- wish I could make it out there.
  13. Dec 9th - 26 wet mangled snowflakes total for winter: 0.0 (same as my college gpa - 7 years down the drain)
  14. Good luck to all SE community members. Hoping you guys can cash in nicely. Post plenty of pics
  15. I’m in a no win position w this southern slider. The more north it comes the more rain I get. Stays south I get nothing. So I really don’t care if it comes north. I need more cold air
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