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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Missing hiker in Franconia Notch. She was dropped off at Lafayette Place Campground to hike Lafayette Haytack and Flume yesterday morning. Her ride went to the meet up parking lot around 4pm. Waited...she never showed, so they called in a missing hiker report. 3 SAR Teams went out last night after dark...no word yet
  2. I was watching the snow fall while watching football, and I thought to myself- Alex must be loving this I got new flood lights for the outside so I can sit on my couch and watch the snow out my windows
  3. Rain now, but nice to see the snow. Bretton Woods was running the snow guns. Will pick up again once temps drop
  4. Drive safe, I just looked out my window and noticed it is snowing. No idea when it flipped
  5. Doing some changes to the house. Bought a pellet stove to supplement the propane heating system. I can't take credit for any house upgrades, I panic when I have to change a battery in a smoke detector. The house only had a subfloor when I bought it. My partner, who can basically build a house from the ground up, is making all the upgrades. He laid flooring down in the section where the pellet stove sits. We unboxed it, and he vented it to the chimney. Fires it up and smoke poured out the side vents. We shut it down and my partner took the sides off and checked all the seals and gaskets. Brand new pellet stove, just picked it up this past Thursday- two of the gaskets are sliced, so the smoke can escape from the firebox and then exits side vents. I gotta run to Lowes and pick up some of that high heat silicone gasket maker stuff. Going to try to seal the gaskets and see if it holds. There used to be a coal/wood stove with a vent set up to the chimney, but we wanted to go pellet stove instead. Going to store the coal/woodstove in the basement until we decide what to do with it. It's actually an antique. Not sure where the prior owner found it. It was made by the Orbon Stove Company- it's a huntsmen 236 model. It barely looks like it was ever used and I think it was made before 1930. It's a cool looking hybrid stove. I'd like to get a value on it, but not even sure how to find someone who can evaluate it
  6. I checked weatherbug when I woke up this morning and saw 18 degrees. I never asked Alex what his station measured...ugh...I don't like it at all!
  7. Snow making weather, incoming... Ugh!!! Time to move away
  8. 68 degrees at 1045pm on Nov 5th, I love it!!
  9. 68 degrees on Nov 5th at 1045pm, that's gotta be a record for up here
  10. I love this weather. I wish it would stick around a little longer
  11. Use a spray bottle with just soap and water. Spray any connection or area you suspect might have a leak. If there is a leak, when you spray it, it will produce soap bubbles
  12. So, yesterday I discovered I had a propane leak at the outside gas regulator at the house and one of my tanks. One of my greatest fears is "things that go boom". The tech came and fixed/checked everything so all good now. But- I have to admit, my brain did produce thoughts such as- Oh god, what if I breathe and make a spark??? Or what if the wind blows a leaf and it makes a spark???
  13. Same up here. We keep getting swarms hatching and then getting in the house. I suck them up in a hand vacuum and then go across the street and empty them out. Thwy are soooo annoying!!!
  14. This autumn has progressed remarkably how one might write about as a text book transition in a Tip-opian Universe. The green chlorophyll noticeably dulls by the the end of August. The first maples taunt splashes of fiery red in an August farewell, while the birches and poplar stay with their summer green. September temps step down as the month inches towards October. The first frosts kick off the real foliage color by mid September. Birches and Poplars start showing their Aumtun yellows and the Beeches show off their pleasantly pleasing spectrum of tangerine and goldenrod. The Maples peak first- the 3rd and 4th week of September while the rest of the species peak end of September first week of October. The Maples are the first to bid farewell and enter their 7 month slumber. October progresses and the past peak burnt orange lingers a while in stark contrast with the monotone landscape of stick season. October frosts increase in frequency as all of the trees tuck themselves in for a long winter's respite. The first snows threaten an appearance, and lay their first velvety blanket in November. The quiet stillness takes hold in November, as the darkness chases away the sunlight.
  15. My best friend's sister had that and she was a runner. I don't know if they gave her a choice but she had hers severed and reattached. She didn't heal well at all. The incision got infected and they never took her out of a boot. She tripped one day a year after surgery and tore her Achilles tendon completely off. Had to have a second surgery to reattach with a donor tendon. They also discussed amputation because of the infection. She had multiple would debriding surgeries and was in a wound vac. 2 and a half years later she is finally walking again, but will never run again.
  16. Well, I guess the growing season is definitely over
  17. Knee is doing better. ACL reconstruction, I'm learning after the fact, takes around 2 years to fully recover from...and the knee still won't ever feel like it did prior to the injury. I think, had I been given all the information, I would have opted to not have surgery. I only had 1, 10 min appointment with the knee surgeon to make a decision. I'm not a professional athlete nor an adrenaline junky, so I actually don't need an ACL. And I could always opt to wear a brace for hiking or easy skiing. I've learned that our health care system heards people around like cattle and the object is to get as many people seen and medicated or scheduled for surgery/procedures as possible to keep the money flowing. I also learned after the fact I had an option to choose from 3 surgeons. Each surgeon has a specific method they prefer to use for ACL Reconstruction, and each surgeon has a different rehab plan for the patients. I was only able to speak with 1 surgeon of the 3 for 10mins and now I know that was not enough time to be able to make the best decision for myself. Hopefully this info can help someone else in the future. Just food for thought for any jo schmo out there who is faced ACL reconstruction or another type of surgery that isn't mandatory...know your options, ask all the questions, and don't let any medical professional pressure you.
  18. There's the 24 at whitefield airport. I use weatherbug and Mostly use temps from the whitefield Airport. Thick layer of frost on everything. I cringe thinking about what my propane cost will be this winter. My heating system runs off propane
  19. Whitefield airport weather station reported 24 degrees this morning. Everything is coated with a thick layer of frost...it's a wee bit nippy out
  20. Foliage has peaked in Bretton Woods this weekend, first flakes in the forecast for next weekend...time marches on...
  21. Aug 14th was my 5 month anniversary of my left ACL reconstruction. Still don't have any desire to get back on skis. I'm wondering if I will ever get it back?
  22. We had windshield frost this morning
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