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Everything posted by #NoPoles

  1. Holy heck it was cold today. And the wind was raging. Every gust created a ground blizzard. Tonight I drove through the Notch and met a friend for dinner at Delaneys Hole in the Wall. Had wanted to do Moat Mtn Brewery but they are closed wed/thur. On the way home, I had to drive through 3-4 ground blizzards coming back up the notch. Complete whiteout, 0 visibility. Kinda scary
  2. Surgery now on the 14th. I figure right around that time, there should be a huge storm, probably even thunder snow an I will miss it being under anesthesia
  3. Sh*t just got real, surgeons office called and asked if I wanted to move my surgery from March 31 to March 15...I said sure...T-15 days and counting
  4. I'm ready for spring. The sun feels amazing
  5. Snow mobile trail has no snow, and Omni shut down all outdoor activities accept downhill skiing until Sat pending the new snow. Bare spots on west mountain...this season has been challenging
  6. Happens every year, stupid mofos drive their vehicles out onto Lake Winnipesaukee...ice fishing for cars...
  7. Ouch, we took it hard here. We lost a lot of pack. Bretton Woods is blowing some snow to try to help resurface some trails to make it through vacation week.
  8. Family in Plymouth, MA reported around 9 inches of pure fluff
  9. Oops I was looking out my window at my car,too warm to accumulate on my car, probably about 4 sloppy inches on my driveway
  10. Jeez, completely different over here at BW than where Phin is, it's been snowing but above freezing most of the event- not much able to accumulate at 302 level, but I bet the summit of BW did well.
  11. Pretty much the same here as well. This is my biggest synoptic snowfall since I moved here... Go figure- since I destroyed my knee and I'm basically trapped in my house... You win some, you lose some, I guess...
  12. I estimate a foot at rt 302 level in BW... It sure looks pretty!
  13. Well, f*ck, probable torn ACL...next step-MRI and saying a farewell to my ski season...
  14. Yep, had a minor ski mishap on Jan 18 (my birthday, go me!) Been in a knee brace, have an appointment with orthopedics this Tues... Not sure yet when I can get back on skis
  15. I think this time we hovered at 3-4 degrees the entire storm. All you have to do is go outside and sneeze and this stuff blows around
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