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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. the end of july is almost upon us the waning days are summer about to begin...
  2. for a storm to threaten hawaii as a strong storm it would have to travel 500 miles south of the big island to avoid cooler water and drier air then make a quick turn north like inicki... or lane could have been another inicki but the steering flow was not like inicki to shoot it all the way north.. a storm traveling in the current direction would never be anything but a weak hurricane or most likely a tropical storm before it hits the islands..
  3. i'm sure sea level rise is a issue for colorado not....
  4. how the heck did central park hit 103 degrees in 2011 i remember it but would be impossible today...
  5. hotter this morning then yesterday and probably wont make it to 94 as it did yesterday in central park lol..
  6. cooler in central park at this time today then it was yesterday
  7. lots of clouds around this morning wasted a few hours of warming from the sun..
  8. i can see the light at the end of the tunnel it is already past the midway point of july.. summer days are going by fast...
  9. i seriously doubt their will be a super long stretch of such extreme heat after all last week the gfs predicted extreme heat for this week in the city...
  10. i like the cooler temps in the central park area makes it more tolerable..
  11. we will long be dead before we have to worry about anything related to ice melt..
  12. wind is really picking up here in manhattan..
  13. i think i see some sunlight looking east in the distance..
  14. seems to have stopped here in manhattan skies brightening a bit
  15. did sandy first make make landfall in jamaica or cuba?
  16. i'm to lazy to even attempt to do any research on this..
  17. seems the heaviest rain in manhattan was north of the central park recording station..
  18. central park must be missing out on the heaviest rain i'm past the upper east side and it's been a nonstop deluge the last 2 hours here..
  19. i am surprised a tornado watch is not out for part of the tri state area...
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