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Everything posted by nycwinter

  1. i was tempted to wear a jacket when i went out this morning felt cool
  2. don't you like hot weather? you must be shivering with such cool temps..
  3. Oh, what a beautiful mornin' Oh, what a beautiful day I've got a beautiful feelin' Everything's goin' my way
  4. what a different feel it is this morning almost kinda cool..
  5. starting to hear the thunder in manhattan
  6. looking forward fo temps to drop into the low 70's during this thunderstorm.
  7. we will not hit 90 in the park today heat wave is over..
  8. when i went out at 7:00 am this morning i felt a nice breeze...
  9. doubtful tomorrow is sunday .. only on a weekday could power demand cause major power issues..
  10. the power grid has held up exceptionally well during this heat wave in the nyc area..
  11. i can see the light at the end of this tunnel for this heatwave i feel relieved..
  12. look like more storms for nyc have we become miami this week?
  13. here in upper manhattan we have had 3 rounds of heavy rain in the last hour and a half..
  14. we are running below yesterdays temps won't make it to 95 in the park..
  15. why you keep posting these fake temps that will not verify?
  16. yes but i can take one or a few days of extreme heat and have weeks or months of nice comfortable weather the uk is use to having during the summer..
  17. wished i lived in london only 79 today mid 70's tomorrow..
  18. 90 in central park at 12:00 noon..
  19. was not as bad as i expected today as dewpoints were in the lower 60's today..
  20. i don't mid if it 90 as long as dewpoints are in the 50's like it will be on friday...
  21. august 4th is 2 weeks 2 days away not that long...
  22. many europeans should have gotten a.c long time ago. good thing about london it will cool down very nicely unlike here in most of the us...
  23. another deluge in manhattan
  24. i like it being so dark in mid afternoon...
  25. only 79 in the city...cool for mid july standards...
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