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Everything posted by lee59

  1. .57 inch of rain here, peak gust only 31mph.
  2. My area is under a freeze warning for tonight and tomorrow night. Meanwhile it went to 27 on the 15th and 25 last night and it is already down to 27 tonight. So why is my area still getting freeze warnings.
  3. 25 here this morning. Buffalo proper got about 18 inches of snow with some more coming tonight.
  4. Should be interesting. Watertown NY area also. One thing that might keep accumulations down a little is the temperatures which will be around 30. The snow will be more wet than dry, like a December or January Lake Effect. If they get numerous feet of wet snow, could be bad for roofs.
  5. 41 here, .48 inch of rain. Northeast wind getting busy gusting to 24mph. Nasty night.
  6. As was mentioned earlier, the Lake Effect is going to be in full force this weekend. With, apparently a WSW wind, the areas around Buffalo and Watertown seem to be in the bullseye.
  7. First freeze here, 28 was the low, now 36.
  8. Temperature already dropping to the upper 30s here
  9. I think Manhattan has their first snow, sometimes before their first freeze.
  10. I understand southern Nassau may be a little more urban than southern Suffolk but not really that much especially western Suffolk. So I don't know why southern Suffolk is different especially far eastern Suffolk like Montauk area.
  11. A freeze watch is up for southern Nassau but not southern Suffolk. I am glad to see northern Nassau is not included. Usually the NWS seems to put up advisories by county lines whether it makes sense or not. Regarding southern Suffolk is it because they don't think they will have a freeze or they believe, probably falsely, they have already had one. I believe the low so far at Islip is 36.
  12. While we bask in this warmth, parts of the upper midwest are seeing night time lows near zero. By the end of the week it looks like nearly the entire country will be colder than normal.
  13. Ended up with 1.26 inches of rain yesterday and .04 today for a total of 1.30. Currently 70 degrees, my sixth 70+ day of the month. Winds have gusted to 25-30 but less than what I expected.
  14. Getting windy here, heavy rain. On the day . 68
  15. 65 degrees here with on and off light showers.
  16. I think the Melbourne area is going to get some of the strongest winds, being in the northern eyewall.
  17. Already dropping into the upper 30s in the colder areas of Nassau and Suffolk. 41 here.
  18. If it stays clear and the mild air can hold off, this should be my coldest night. Already down to 43.
  19. 37 here this morning. Looks to be interesting around here Friday night. Will be interesting to see how much wind we end up getting.
  20. More and more it looks like an inland route for Nicole. Could be an interesting Saturday in our area.
  21. The thing is, most people would rather see mild instead of below normal cold.
  22. Hit 78 degrees here, very nice. Now back to normal.
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