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Everything posted by AfewUniversesBelowNormal

  1. They will probably extend the Marginal to the area tomorrow.
  2. Some really classic El Nino looks setting up in the North Pacific on long term models now
  3. The North Pacific right now is totally El Nino. You dont see this in La Nina really ever (Ive been watching since 2001). Nice to have these waves while still in longer wavelength season of a new event
  4. A few analogs to wet May.. 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 1987, 1991x2, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2009, 2010, 2012 A lot of hurricanes off the SE coast a few months later.
  5. Clouds were cool. It was a heavy energy day, similar to before 2016. But it was just a peak (look).. something is trying hard to make a point. That means it's something else
  6. This period stormy has +correlation with next Winter -NAO and general El Nino (I'll post images when computer arrives)
  7. wierd ****ing orientation. Another day of this. It was good earlier.
  8. Wow, what a nice day. Forget the SPC, yesterday there was no chance for severe storms. Today it's really high.
  9. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.pdf
  10. When will this even out? Do we continue on a trend or stabilize somewhere soon? (I think it stabilizes but there is still room to move, we are maybe 60% of the way there since 2013)
  11. 24" of rain is pretty extreme.. STJ going Strong Nino, at least Nino for the last month
  12. West-based El Nino, about the best case scenario for snow If anyone is interested
  13. Not really a good pattern for severe weather general. The Atlantic tropical ridge is too strong. We need a Lower Midwest heat ridge, Southwest cutoff Low, or something like the late '90s where it gets really warm like upper 90s to 100 in July, coming from the dusty Upper Midwest. This pattern is tropical.
  14. I think this is the most important image in long range forecasting El Nino incoming
  15. Look at this substantial warming in Nino 4. There is a chance this could be a Strong Nino.
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