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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. I mostly consider orange county the land of the swamp people….
  2. Stuff over rockland is training. Not good.
  3. Not since my 20 yr HS reunion a few years ago lol. Now i mid afternoon drink and go to bed at 8 pm. Its glorious.
  4. No idea. Moved the rain gauges when i dug up a section of backyard. Forgot to put them back. however my kitchen counter apparently received no rain.
  5. The difference between my front yard and back this time of year is staggering. Most of the back only gets full sun for a few hours in the early afternoon, and the grass is green, thick, and i gotta mow it every few days. Some wet spots dont go away for days. front yard gets full sun from about 11 am till sunset. Unless we get rain twice a week, my lawn browns, like it already is now. Luckily My garden is between them and i can balance the full sun veggies and the partial shade stuff. By july the whole yard will be brown lol
  6. Got crushed in rockland. The usual spots are under feet of water.
  7. Parts of Rockland are underwater.
  8. Pea sized hail now. My poor veggie garden….
  9. Incredibly heavy rain and impressive lightning. No rotation anywhere, kinda shocked.
  10. So many people cutting wet long grass this morning by me. I dont get it. Id rather cut grass 2” longer that isnt soaked.
  11. Well yeah. But theyre going out like pansies. Worst attempt at offense ive ever seen.
  12. This might be the comment of the year lol
  13. Glad i got most of the garden in last weekend. That and the area of backyard i had to dig up and reseed are already doing well. Couple warm days this weekend and my basil will be ready lol
  14. Fukin Rangers what are you doing?????
  15. Gonna finally get my outdoor garden going this weekend too.
  16. You jinxed me. Wind turned off, right as i decided to dig up a section of the lawn my dog has slowly destroyed over the years. Now im getting destroyed by bugs.
  17. The ground is still wet in the woods…anything beyond drizzle and its swampy again. Kinda annoying.
  18. Nah pulled a calf muscle the other day….couple weeks off for me lol
  19. Lol. A week before that we were in the poconos for golf. Friend of ours drove up from virginia, and the first thing he said was that it still looked like winter up here.
  20. Soon enough. Only a couple more years till i can consider leaving around here. I dont think the Keys are my final destination though. What i really need is to hit the lotto so i can have a mountain/lake house and a beach house.
  21. It was 87 and sunny with a breeze when i left the keys. Goddamnit.
  22. If i ever make it back down here we’re definitely doing the camping thing. There were probably 15 tents set up when we were here yesterday.
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