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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. Had 4 days so far of these ladybug/Asian bettle invasions so far. And it seems each one is getting worse the the one before. I still say it has something to do with the upcoming winter.
  2. This is the worst ladybug invasion ever. And I been living here close to 40 years. The huge amounts of Hickory nuts,walnuts this year. I'm just wondering if these are all signs pointing to a hard winter coming up.
  3. There are 2 burglar alarms here. (Plus my place is lit up at night with the solar lights and a camera system.) The other one does the night shift. I can't leave them both loose at same time, with the possibility of them taking off. Yea sometimes at night they are constantly barking. There is some kind of animal up in the mountain they bark an go investigate.
  4. So you will be called upon in the near future to share with us when those dreaded pingers appear at your location.
  5. You are also the first to experience pingers too. That results in snowstorm letdowns.
  6. The carpet and tile guys forecast They say no record highs should be threatened.
  7. And we'll have months of wind to endure from now on. Maybe not everyday but it's the seasons for it to be with us.
  8. Winds have really picked up in the last half hour, highest gust so far at the house was 27mph.
  9. .07 here for the event 51 here. Now waiting on this unwanted trashcan and shingle removing wind. I'm sure we will get a report from Harrisburg once the winds reach a peak today.
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