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Everything posted by mahantango#1

  1. Seems like a few forecasters are keeping an eye on Thanksgiving week for possible fun and games.
  2. 24 this morning. Despite having a low of 23 yesterday morning, I still seen a yellowjacket flying around yesterday afternoon while I was doing leaves. Thought this cold would have killed em all.
  3. I won't see the sun for another 15 min at least till it shines above the mountain.
  4. Wow you got a coal stove. I thought I was the last hold out. I got a Harman stoker 34 years old. Just installed new parts last winter. I find it amazing that Reading the coal giant is buying up these smaller coal operations and shipping the coal to China for $500,00 a ton.
  5. might be something to this upcoming winter with all the nuts. I can't read the article without subscribing to it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/10/29/acorns-walnuts-winter-snow-mast/?fbclid=IwAR2cXXbUyGBxNXfiGs9tywIvWLqWw527kwB-WDfnAGOPaY541psy1MjvHn4
  6. I noticed that too, the trees with the vibrant colors didnt last long. That gusty wind yesterday stripped those leaves. I thought this year was a great year for colors.
  7. Is there some kind of trophy or a certificate of participation being awarded for the call?
  8. I remember the slop storm in the early 80s when my great aunt passed away. It snowed 6in. And turned to sleet then rain. It was a wet snow, and it snowed hard for a few hours. I remember it very well, cause I had a Mercury Couger with the wide summer tires E-60s on and got stuck and my family pushing on the rear to get me moving. That was in November the first week.
  9. I don't think you can question the NWS (MDT) temp readings. I tried a few years ago on the one at Selinsgrove. I got shot down by NWS at State College.
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