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Everything posted by Scuddz

  1. My neighborhood facebook group is a nightmare right now with this storm. I've been here two years and not announced myself as a meteorologist to anyone I don't hang out with regularly. I might have to this time.
  2. I saw the Mapgirl ALEET on twitter and I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT.
  3. "Ripping fatties" as the kids say near arundel mills 1"+ in the cars and adding up quick in this band
  4. Seconded. If I can end the event without the grass poking through, it's a win.
  5. I'm fully aware I'm irrationally reasoning my way into being optimistic, but I'm questioning how this mornings runs are losing the surface so badly with NE winds in place.
  6. I just put down fertilizer that is not supposed to be rained on for 24 hours, so, expect some downpours.
  7. Can I just say, we did not take into account this type of situation when I agreed to let my in laws move into the basement....
  8. So, what's new around here? How many folks got banned after this winter?
  9. I just need somebody to know the massive amount of willpower it has taken me the past few days NOT to tweet this from the big account...
  10. More than I ever wanted to, that's for sure
  11. Congratulations on googling "can satellites see through clouds" However, active sensors like sentinel and radarsat use active radar that doesn't interact with water vapor and can see through to the earth's surface at a very high resolution (1M - 100M) which is why they can used to chart polar sea ice, land use, etc. edit: Dick
  12. I've got a couple versions of Bourbon county stout I've been hanging on to for a bit, might decrease the stock by 1 today.
  13. Lynchburg-ish 700's the one to worry about, looks to be north of Charlottesville.
  14. Windows have matched the paint for about 20 min now. vis <<1/4 mile and just ripping. Last of the grass shoots have disappeared.
  15. There's normally a row of townhomes back there, <1/4 mile away.
  16. Flakes started about 645 here. Quickly dropped to less than 3/4 mi vis and have a nice coating on the grass already. Little lighter now but still coming down pretty good. - Hanover, MD
  17. Back home in Hanover and we're at MDT + roads just starting to cave and a solid coating on the ground. Interstates looked like parking lots from the over/underpasses.
  18. Don't get excited. It's not sticking yet, just white rain
  19. Pouring snow in Columbia now, dropped from 38 to 35
  20. Radar says it's snowing, window says no. Saw some small flakes earlier in Ellicott city taking kiddo #1 to the dentist
  21. What a great point, I had not considered that. Carry on, you're clearly adding a tremendous amount to the discussion here.
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