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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. 8-29 had a colorful sunrise. Taken with the 24-70mm at 63mm cropped in camera...
  2. You can definitely tell when the uppers lows parked over Ontario and Quebec.
  3. Getting harder and harder to find the edges of the walking/riding trails now around here. From today.
  4. Just saw a news story that Waukesha, Wi is diverting Lake Michigan water to their city. But of course they are suppose to put back more water into the river than they pull out of the Great Lake.
  5. I am sure it is more preventative maintenance. Better to be early rather than late and burn out a pump.
  6. Totally anecdotal but they shut off the fountains at the southside park and in the hospital retention ponds last week. Fall is here and they are expecting the freezing weather.
  7. 8-28 was sneaky sly and also balls-to-the-wall all at the same time. The sly sneaky as the sundog creeping in underneath the cloud deck on the south side of the Sun. Taken with the 24-70mm at 55mm... The balls-to the wall was the orange post sunset. Definitely a "Houston, we are GO for orange" moment. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... And the mixture was as all the colors were exiting the region. What a fantastic evening. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... Goodnight my darlin', wherever you are...
  8. 8-19 was about texture and color. When I got out to the overpass, it was all texture in the alto-cumulus looking south. Taken with the 244-70mm at 24mm... Some post sunset color looking west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... A little bit of texture and a little bit of color looking north. Taken with the 24-70mm at 27mm...
  9. 8-12 was about the crepuscular rays/cloud shadows. The most vivid. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... The faintest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...
  10. Here you go wiz. Something to tide you over till I get some more time. This is the sunset from 8-4. Egads, I am over two months behind. Close to local sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 63mm... Post sunset colors. Taken with the 24-70mm at 45mm...
  11. Sorry. Way behind in processing. I was out-n-about in all the warm dry weather. Maybe soon I will get back to it and clear some space on the hard-drive and see if there is anything to share.
  12. Interesting. Does the NA continent break up the north stream like the last fifteen days, often? There is only a brief connection between the Pacific and Atlantic once. But with only the last fifteen days shown I cannot tell if is only a short timed thing.
  13. Going to have to agree with you here. Absolutely gorgeous here today with the high only at 84 here at KIND. We are going to pay for this sometime before this month is out though. Not looking forward to that.
  14. Well that was interesting. The first time the tippy bucket has moved in over a month. Good to know it still works. 0.50" was put through in short order under a thunderstorm. Could do that for a couple days in a row. Now, will it?
  15. omg, there is liquid stuff falling from the sky here. The brown grass is going to go into convulsions.
  16. First sunset of Autumn was OK here. Nothing special but it still looked decent...
  17. Last hours of Summer. Someone needs to fire up the Autumn Banter thread and all of you winter weenies can go hog wild for that frozen precipitation.
  18. Meanwhile, just a little bit east of you, a big fat zero in the tippy bucket. Location, location, location.
  19. 14 days to go from white to tan on the graphics. The beans here and my grass now match the drapes of the drought graphics for my county.
  20. "Look Ma, no smoke! Let me put on the circular polarizer and see how blue I can make the sky!" Turns out, plenty blue.
  21. Don't you hate to play, "Where did I put that coat?" when this time of year comes around?
  22. I agree with you here. Grass is going dormant again. Could use a shot of the juice. The cards are not looking good though.
  23. Until you get one of those Texas hookers that drag flooding rains straight up the Mississippi.
  24. Ending August with a little bit of ground fog to mute the morning colors.
  25. Cool enough. Was just curious if there was any science behind the reference.
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