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Everything posted by WishingForWarmWeather

  1. If I recall correctly, it wasn't. They found evidence of 17-18 foot surge, it's just the area was mainly uninhabited and Lake Charles was spared the worst of it.
  2. You guys think Jerry could pull a loop and start over again with a fresh chance? Any recent model guidance about what happens after the south curve? (Sorry if this is a stupid question)
  3. CAPS, I believe, is the school he was at. Central Abaco Primary School.
  4. Can anyone provide a picture or loop of Flo right now? On my phone and don't have my bookmarks handy.
  5. Does anyone have a link to the recon schedule? I would have thought we would have more updated information from them more frequently today. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hah! Yep, brain went automatically for a her but remembered otherwise. My name is Alex so I feel that pain often.
  7. This is actually really incredible information -- is there somewhere where we can learn more about this?
  8. This is probably the most important info we have. We all know winds are destructive in a very small area (and of course a relative amount outwards). Thanks for providing this.
  9. Yeah I had 8 nm so I was a bit confused. Thanks for clearing that up.
  10. Thank you for that info. I was a bit confused on how to use the resource but that is extremely helpful. That seems so low for IKE. Is it because it's such a small eye and a relatively low time of being a cat5?
  11. PR's highest elevation is about 4500 feet. Is that substantial enough? Do you believe that the mountains there to the North East will disrupt Maria, like Irma was hindered by Cuba?
  12. I was trying to find the resource that calculates IKE and had no luck, except for one that wanted me to plug in my own numbers. Do you know where to find the resource that people were posting for Irma that calculated her IKE? I'd love to see that for Maria.
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