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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. extent dropped 91k today so that ice is starting to vanish
  2. area drops + extent gains = lots of spread out janky ice which will result in an extent nosedive when it melts
  3. got some really cancerous smelling wood filler on my hands today. see everyone on the other side
  4. i don't need to. it's right there on your graph. lol
  5. notice how the bright green line is at the bottom around this timeframe yet it winds up along the top later in the season. what's the point of focusing on a region that's irrelevant right now?
  6. looks like CAB area doesn't matter until later in the season. why did you remove the legends from that graph?
  7. also significant is the west coast ridge retrograding
  8. wherever there's a ridge records get broken
  9. june 2016 was +.5 at ewr and the second half of summer turned into a furnace
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