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Everything posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. Big swell headed for Hawaii and the West Coast!!
  2. Where is that? I’m assuming the gulf of Alaska?
  3. Happy Thanks Giving from work!! (Double time) paying off my season pass for Stratton!!
  4. Still a ridiculous amount of green leaves in the city. It’s like the major cold shot never happened.
  5. That’s below normal temps and above normal precip wall to wall. That would be a 95/96 type winter if it verfied.
  6. The bunker schools have been getting exponentially bigger every year. They were so thick at Jones Beach this summer it turned the water black. Absolutely incredible to see in person!!!
  7. That’s what I do at home. After the last time I cut the lawn I wait until all the leaves are down. Here on campus I have to do them every day
  8. Yeah they are both Cornell meteorology grads. That’s pretty solid in my book.
  9. Yup! Depending on the species some immediately fell off. I have a tulip tree that dropped all its leaves on Saturday. My silver maples are still holding crinkled green leaves. Forget about Oaks, I expect some of them to hold green/brown leaves that died in place. Could be an issue if we have an early season wet snow storm before the winter winds eventually strip them down. i have never seen anything like it on campus. We were progressing like a normal fall just a week late. Since the majority of the big trees are oaks it’s almost as if fall stopped. The leaves are all stuck up in the trees!
  10. Wow beautiful sugar maples!! There used to be sugar maples like that in Garden City when I was growing up. A wealthy Aunt of mine had several on her property. They all sucombed to pollution and had to be removed in the late 90s as was the case all around the Met area. Very few left. A very pollution sensitive species.
  11. Super excited for tonight’s cold. The reason being all the vegetation. I don’t think there has ever been such extreme cold with over 50% vegetation in the city and on the island. I fully expect sensitive trees to dump all there leaves tomorrow night.
  12. I’ll happily take that bet. He’s in a great spot with the potential pattern!
  13. They have a pretty funny guess the snowfall thread in NE anyone want to start one here?
  14. You mentioned that being the snowiest station east of the Rockies. How could they possibly beat the UP of Michigan or the Tug Hill? I get the elevation but it’s pretty dry out there
  15. Unfortunately that’s one thing I don’t do. But I can promise you your absolutely fine. The ground is so warm unless we had a mid winter level arctic airmass (highs in the teens) you will be fine. But as PB said just get it done before real winter sets in, it’s not something to mess around with
  16. I just saw these posts for the first time. I too have been a big proponent Hiayan being the most intense TC ever observed. If Dvorak went to a 10 it would be a 10. We just haven’t seen another storm with a ring of cloud tops that perfectly cold. Colors usually only seen in hot towers encircled the entire eye. That and the tsunami like surge just put it in its own league. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=j-D_WeHNB8WXmwHt1YXADw&sjs=3&q=typhoon+haiyan&oq=typhoon+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.2.0l5.1533.8985.0.10484.
  17. Yeah first freeze in the suburbs should finish things off. The pond near my house (Mill Pond) has excellent foliage. Black Gums are first with deep red, they are done. Right now Red Maple and Sweet Gum are at peak and pretty solid. Oaks here are just starting to show some color.
  18. Biggest storms there are usually very early or late (by NY standards) I think your in for a very cold dry winter there
  19. Nice find, I’m surprised to see the somewhat bullish snow forecasts. This could easily be a clunker
  20. We had a pretty good leaf strip with the storm over the weekend here on the south shore. As in green leaves were ripped off. We are at least 2 weeks behind schedule with color change. I was sick and have been MIA so what’s up everyone!
  21. I would do anything for a satalite loop of the hurricane of 1938. I would love to know what it's actual structure was at time of landfall in NY
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