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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. My wife giggles whenever I call it the "herp-derps". But I certainly wouldn't say no to 26" IMBY...
  2. Flakes coming down are kinda chunky, vaguely graupel-ish. I wonder if that's just the way these flakes are growing, because I'm not seeing any kind of warm layer nearby.
  3. Muhlenberg, just north or the airport on the other side of the river. I think one of my outdoor thermometers is acting up because my PWS says 25.5°F. Maybe I just need to relocate the first one, it's under an overhang from my deck but I think the deck affects how it reads somehow... Also I just installed the PWS so I'm not used to referencing it. Just my usual indoor/outdoor La Crosse dealie that sits on my desk.
  4. Sidewalks started to melt a little bit (guessing from what little insolation there is today) but now they are covering back up. Some white patches starting to take shape on the blacktop as well. Temp ticked down in the past half hour from 28.8°F to 28.2°F.
  5. The sidewalk out front has already turned white. So nice not to have to overcome above-freezing ground temps or a super dry air mass for a change. Looking forward to this event!!!
  6. Light snow just started north of Reading. Was expecting a few hours of virga, so this is a nice surprise.
  7. Gees, I can't even fathom what over 4' of snow would look like. I spent part of my childhood in Erie, so I sorta kinda know what 3-ish feet looks like, but that was like 30 years ago when I was a small child. We used to have to hire a backhoe to dig us out since our driveway was so long, and I remember the snowpiles going almost up to the wires on the telephone poles near the road. That said, I'll be very happy with anything over a foot when all is said and done.
  8. We just moved to Reading from near West Chester a few months ago, and in the back of my mind I was thinking how nice it would be to get away from the I-95 corridor meso. We already cashed in last month, here's hoping for another classic over the next few days.
  9. Exactly this. I hate chasing this type of storm in March (or even April) as we have seen many, many times over the past decade. Climo is with us for a change. No talk of "well, you see, the sun angle..." or "gotta hope and pray the surface temps come down with the first flakes" here. This is looking to be a classic event. Cheers all around.
  10. Getting absolutely hammered by a snow squall right now! It was blue skies and sunny not 5 minutes ago.
  11. Just had a quick hit of graupel, maybe 2-3 minute's worth. That was totally unexpected today, but I'll take it! Any winter weather is better than none.
  12. Squall line just went through, dumped a bunch of rain. It's 60.4°F IMBY and this felt like a spring rain event. Super looking forward to getting back to the cold tomorrow.
  13. It's gusty with the occasional shower passing though just north of Reading. Sounds like a minor squall just went through, but no significant rain up here just yet. Seems like everything is passing to the south of us.
  14. Got about 6" here just north of Reading. Lucky for me, the previous owners of my new house left 2 non-working snowblowers behind. I was able to get one of them working, so this was my first snowfall where I got to use one. The only thing I had to shovel was the front steps. That was awesome!
  15. Holding at 22.6°F for the past hour. Initially I am dissapoint with the precip results, but upon further reflection, this has turned out to be a really good little event for this early in the year. Sure, I would have liked for the forecasted 2' of snow to have materialized, but I'll take my 4-6", grass-hiding, sleet-topped, La Nina anomaly, especially in our climate. So, somewhat bummed, but also somewhat thankful. Looking forward to taking pictures of my new house covered in snow tomorrow. Also, no way in heck I'm driving to work in southern NJ tomorrow at 4 in the morning, so that's also a plus. I'll take any kind of snow day I can.
  16. 22.8°F and light sleet. ~4" on the front steps, ~6" in the back yard (measured depth to ground). Wondering if we will get any colder or if we're bottoming out right now.
  17. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why all the models and predictions turned out to be so wrong with this storm? Two days ago we were supposed to get almost 2' of snow, then yesterday they backed it off to 13", and now I have barely 4" with sleet coming down much further north than predicted, with not much else seemingly incoming. I mean, I want to be happy for the first major snowfall in a long, long while, but why the huge bust this time?
  18. I do believe I'm getting dry-slotted at the moment. Huh. Where's the rest of the storm?
  19. Occasional sleet starting to mix in. It's really sporadic, but definitely there.
  20. Only have ~3.5 inches of really fine, dry stuff here north of Reading. Temp down to 23.5°F and getting windy. Grass finally completely covered.
  21. Temp dropped to 25.2°F and still light, steady snow here just north of Reading.
  22. My wife bought me Radarscope as an early Xmas gift. How do I get to the "precipitation depiction" pane? Is this a mobile-only type thing? I'm using Windows 10...
  23. I've got 26.8°F and steady light snow just north of Reading. Already coated the roads and sidewalks. I officially have snow on snow (some remnants of Monday's little event)!
  24. Seconded. This is a place to celebrate and sympathize with fellow weather nerds.
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