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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Yeah this thing looks like it's moving out. Not bad though, roughly 5" on the driveway. Started to pelt me with sleet and graupel while I was snowblowing but now it's not doing anything. Really pretty out though.
  2. Lol dunno, just moved here and really enjoying it so far. Snow on snow on snow on snow I think we're up to. Can't remember the last time that's happened. Also I think I might have just heard some light pings on the window...
  3. Looks like a momentary lull. Some juicy returns coming in just to our west.
  4. Checking in from Reading with about 3" of fresh stuff on the deck. What's falling now looks almost graupel-ish; just small, nuggetty "flakes". Falling pretty moderately as well. 22.8°F.
  5. Is it me or is the actual precip running 4-5 hours ahead of the NAM 0Z? Looking at Nexrad it appears that precip has already spread across central PA (most likely virga I'm guessing) whereas the NAM shows the precip just crossing into western PA around 11PM... Maybe I'm just looking at it wrong though.
  6. Oh I bet. Yeah we actually have one that was my Dad's when he was a kid. It's no longer in service, but I seem to remember being dragged around on it in the late 70's or early 80's when I was very little. Saucers are also fun on iced-over snow. Much less control, but that's kinda the point I think.
  7. Looking forward to seeing if we get a frozen crust tonight. One of my favorite memories as a kid was being able to walk on top of the snowpack at some point. Only happens very rarely, especially more so the older (and fatter!) I get.
  8. Raining pretty hard here now, temp up to 33.2. We never hit below freezing. Hope everyone else is doing ok though!
  9. 32.5 and drizzle. Temps up .4 since almost two hours ago.
  10. Currently holding at 32.1°F IMBY. Light spots of drizzle moving through. No ice yet.
  11. Boy I sure picked a good winter to move to Berks. Guess I should test-run the genny today.
  12. Doesn't really look like much is heading our way.
  13. Can't recall the last time I've had snow on snow on snow. Got about 2" up here, just enough to freshen everything up and make my morning commute absolutely miserable this morning (I leave at 4AM for SNJ).
  14. You're here too, just sayin'. Happy Monday to you as well.
  15. 15.2°F here and the ten-day wunderground forecast includes the possibility of snow every day. I can't recall such a forecast in my adult life. It's the winter of my dreams.
  16. Looks like about 2.5" here. Still snowing very lightly but appears to be tapering off. 31.6°F.
  17. Just about an inch up here in Reading so far. Looks like much better radar returns SE of me. Congrats you guys!
  18. I wonder what the difference is between trained spotters professionally measuring with a snowboard vs. me just sticking a yardstick into the snowpack on my deck... I measured 22.5" in the wee hours of the morning last night, and I know there was some compaction going on throughout the event.
  19. I just noticed that we haven't seen a plow come by since around 3pm. Before that we had the big one come by several times and a smaller pickup once or twice. They're probably all being pressed into service on the major roads at the moment. Glad my jobsite cancelled work again tomorrow since I probably won't be able to get out without a lot of digging even after they plow. Also in retrospect, I wish I had set up a camera on the back deck for time-lapse. I'll definitely do that next time. Still snowing, lighter but still decent. Might break 2' before all is said and done. This is our first winter in Reading and the wife and I are loving this. (Her a little bit less so since she works from home lol.) One for the books, and the storm we'll use for comparison for many years to come. I do feel bad that many of us weren't able to cash in on the snow totals this time around and I understand there's a bit of anger and disappointment to be had. It happens, and I've been in the same boat more times than I care to remember. And I'm sure at some point I'll get fringed again while others put up big numbers. But for now, this has turned into an instant winter classic that we'll be talking about for a long time. Cheers and goodnight everyone.
  20. I think it's because earlier our temps were influenced by the low coming over from the Ohio River Valley. Now we're under the influence of the coastal low. I'm up in Muhlenberg, across the river from the airport.
  21. Definitely tapering off but still snowing. 22.5" and 31.8°F here. I can't get over how awesome my back deck looks with almost 2' of snow on it. Super glad I decided to leave the string of lights up.
  22. 22" and 31.6°F IMBY. Snow appears to be lightening up just a bit. I wonder if it's gonna pick up again later tonight or if that's it. My anemometer's clogged again, but I'm in PJ's and can't be arsed to go out there and clear it again.
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