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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Might still do if it needs it. Looks pretty dormant but with everything else still growing outside I may just bite the bullet and mow it this Sunday or Monday (if it's dry enough). Weird times. Saw actual snow in the desert (Mojave) before seeing snow at home. Last Feb's monster storms are giving me hope there is still something for us in this new year though. Here's hoping for a wondrous and snowy bottom end of 2022 everybody!
  2. My wife's been hinting that our lawn is the longest in the neighborhood (was cut last just before Thanksgiving) but thus far I have refused to accept reality. How's that Adam Savage quote go? "I reject your reality and substitute my own" or something to that affect. Anyway, grey and 50°F beats 70 and sunny any day in my book, so at least there's that. Still not mowing the lawn though.
  3. Happy Christmas, everyone! Quick shot of the absolute mountain of gifts we will be transporting on the morrow to a friend's house for celebrations and libations amongst friends and family. Cheers and good tidings (and thoughts of future deep snow) to all!
  4. That makes total sense. I'm scheduled to be working outside starting on the 4th. Time to break out all the cold weather gear!
  5. Can confirm snow flurries/light graupel in Reading.
  6. What a weird time that was. I was working my first full-time, outdoor gig, having been hired on right before all the lockdowns. Apparently folks involved in environmental remediation were somehow considered "essential personnel". For two months, I enjoyed practically zero traffic on my way down to southern NJ and back each day--I remember it being cold up until late in the month of May, and then all of a sudden it was 70°F and I was sweating in the Tyvek. Weird, wild times. Speaking of cold weather, my grass is crunchy this morning. Still kinda hoping we see some flurries or something tomorrow or Saturday, but it looks like that chance is waning. Still, at least it's properly cold for this time of year.
  7. Greetings, all! I'm back from my 6-week field trip to the Mojave. Interestingly enough, it went from hot at the start of my trip (with highs during the day to the 80's) to cold with snow in the last few days I was there. The mountains around the western desert got a couple of feet from what I heard, and they were absolutely beautiful. A couple of times when I checked, it was colder there than here; I was stomping around the desert in full winter weather gear while my wife was sitting on the back porch in a t-shirt at home. Anyway, I'm glad to be back! What'd I miss?
  8. Light coating of graupel here. Noped out of my flight today after an unexpected highway closure was going to make me have to rush to make it, and I decided it just wasn't worth the hassle. Rebooked for tomorrow.
  9. Nothing here, kind of a bummer, but I'm also ok with it since I have an 8am flight back to CA tomorrow morning. I do not relish spending the next three weeks out in the Mojave while all of this delicious cold weather is taking place back home, but at least we got all of the Christmas decorations up today, so that will be nice to come home to.
  10. Just popping in to say Happy Thanksgiving! I've been stomping around the Mojave (doing some geophysical work) for the past month but got to come home for this weekend at least. Really enjoying the cold back home, although it did get below freezing a couple of times in the mornings in the desert.
  11. If I can trust my gauge, we got 1.1" here. Oh, and my new puppy found and enlarged a hole in my back yard that is now filled with muddy water. Now I have a muddy dog. I haven't even had a proper cup of coffee yet.
  12. Still not sure what's going on with my gauge, but now it's reading 0.83". Maybe there was some wind-blown debris in there that got blown out. My electric smoker got caught in a gust of wind and blew half way across my deck, something that hasn't happened in the year that we've been here. Bungies to the rescue!
  13. Agree. On an unrelated note, I think I'll have to get up on a ladder tomorrow and see if there's something blocking my rain gauge. It's only recorded .06" today, and I know we've gotten more than that.
  14. Nothing much doing over here except a bit of a breeze. It rained briefly this morning but didn't register in the gauge. Forecast still says we're getting almost an inch, so.... Hopefully later?
  15. Dang there's a lot of vitriol in there. I ended up with 1.35" for the event, not bad. Wind gusting to 17mph now.
  16. Got about .4" today, and it's still drizzling. Made a huge pot of turkey noodle soup for the fam, seems like the perfect night for it.
  17. sadlol.jpg I don't know how much more it's gonna pivot down our way, seems like it's happening way more north than was forecast. I'll settle for the clouds though.
  18. 1.18" so far. Sun peaking out but pressure still dropping. Getting a little breezy as well. Wonder if we'll get any more today...
  19. My normally bulletproof power just went out for 3 minutes. Somebody must have hit a pole or something. Up to .93" for the event thus far.
  20. Got some thunder rolling my way! Time to see how the new puppy handles it...
  21. Clouds are just beginning to fill in out here, and the pressure is dropping rapidly. If the clouds hold, I think we've reached peak heating for the day.
  22. Reading airport says it's 78°F, which I believe is a new record high out here. I actually need to do some yard work today, go figure. Here's what my PWS says right now:
  23. Quite the impressive storm system heading our way today. Forecast is calling for almost 3" of rain between today and tomorrow, time to batten down the hatches! Current conditions for my neck of the woods:
  24. Rinse and repeat for today. I went out to the hardware store around noon and the sun felt pretty hot, but at least I didn't start sweating after walking across the parking lot (like the rest of the summer!).
  25. Hard to be upset with the weather today: warm, breezy and dry. I'm ok with this type of Indian Summer.
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