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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Ended up with .45" overnight, so not bad. July this year saw 3.61", while July 2021 saw 5.31". I'm going to update my nano-climatology charts probably tomorrow now that I have June and July captured for two consecutive years. In other news, our zucchinis are mostly spent (we planted too many in too small a space, and then the heat just zapped their will to live), and the SLF are attacking my cucumber plants, but not really anything else. Makes me kinda nervous for next year when we're planning on growing watermelon (cucumbers are part of the melon family). We'll have to find a way to combat them I guess. This is our first year growing a garden so we're pretty OK with it being a "learning year" for us, and our yields so far have been promising--the cherry tomatoes are producing like gangbusters, and the Brandywines and San Marzanos are looking promising as well. The pole beans are just now (finally) starting to flower, and the carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes seem to be doing quite well. The lessons learned will be quite invaluable next year. Not looking forward to Thursday, looks like it'll be a scorcher.
  2. Solid green on the local radar yet again, and still no measurable accumulation. Maybe could squeeze out a couple of hundredths when all is said and done. 'Night everybody.
  3. I saw pumpkin spice beer on the shelves of one of my local beer stores a week ago. Like, what? Who wants pumpkin beer in July! And it's always sold out around the time you'd actually want it, around T-day. smh Please do tell, maybe on the OT thread! 71°F here now, windows open. More phantom rain incoming from the west.
  4. We bought some "navy" sized bottles of rum, gin, vodka and tequila at the start. (Calling them "navy size" is a holdover from when my wife and I were in the service many years ago. Kind of a running joke in our little group of still-connected vets. But I digress.) They have all sat, unopened and unloved this entire time since none of us are huge consumers of liquor. My wife and I are mostly beer people, but it's kinda harder to stock up what we thought would have to have been a many-month supply of that. I've also been out of the brewing game for a while and we didn't really have the means to begin brewing again at that time. This was back when we all thought the liquor and beverage stores would be closing indefinitely. I mean, I did buy around 4 cases of lager to hopefully tide us over, but we were all flying blind back then. And then the stores never really closed, so that's why the liquor cabinet has remained fully stocked for over 2 years. Anyway, I just find it interesting to look back and try to remember what our exact thought process was like back then. Maybe it'll come in handy as barter material when the real apocalypse happens. Received .06" yesterday. Today's forecast is calling for around an inch, but I just don't see it. Maybe all of you to the south and east, but not us. Enjoying the relatively cool breeze right now though. Regarding this current weather snapshot, you can see we are fully covered in green and though the ground surface is certainly wet, there's nothing in the gauge, and nothing falling from the sky right now. I maintain that something's screwy with the radars recently.
  5. It's drizzling outside right now, but since we stayed at nearly 100% humidity overnight nothing dried up from yesterday's rain. Lawn's greening up nicely. What a nice change of events, enjoying it while it lasts.
  6. That would be great--I'm all for this being the new pattern for a while. Those three-ish weeks of dryness really sucked.
  7. And as I typed that, I could see the wall of rain approaching from my front door camera. Now it's all gone, yet there are yellow returns supposedly currently above us with reds approaching. Surely this can be virga, it's like 76% humidity! Like what is even going on with this weather anymore My house is being micro-dry-slotted. Edit: Spoke too soon. Down-poured as soon as the reds got to us, finally. Looks like .4" all said and done. Sun's out again, we're at 1.1" for the day. Not bad. Just really weird how it played out.
  8. Looks like we're finally in the firing line for one of these storms. There's still time for it to fizzle out but it actually looks like the convection is picking up again after a brief lull. Made it to 91.9 today.
  9. Almost the same, got .66" in the gauge. Windows are steamy this morning.
  10. Radar indicates rain just to my north, but there's nothing on the lightning indicator and the ground is bone dry. Normally you'd see evidence of convection with those red returns, right? Eh, hopefully somebody's getting a downpour for a few minutes at least. It's just not us this time.
  11. Really dark clouds overhead. Looks like it wants to rain but I'm sure any returns are just virga at the moment. 84.7 here, DP: 68.
  12. Drove by the Skook near Reading omw home from errands just now and noticed it's at least a good foot lower than normal. We need some rain. Made it up to 90.8°F around 12:30pm before the clouds rolled in. At least the humidity's down somewhat, though I suspect that'll be on the increase here soon.
  13. Yup been subbed there for quite some time. I should clarify that we have stayed overnight a couple of times, usually at Ft. Whaley (now called Sun Outdoors Ocean City, I guess they got bought. WTG you corporate branding goons.) It's usually a pretty fun experience, sort of a sleeveless flannel and jorts kinda place if you know what I mean, but we haven't been in quite a while so I have no idea what it's like now. There's a big picnic shelter at Mulberry Landing we like to set up camp in. Helps a ton when it's super hot out down there, but hopefully late September won't be so bad.
  14. I have a big crabbing trip planned for September. We usually go down to southern DE and crab off of a seawall in one of the bays but we haven't been since before the pandemic. It also used to be a day trip since we were relatively close when we lived in Chester County. This year though we decided to rent a camping cabin for a few nights so we could have more time to crab during the day. I can't wait, it's going to be epic. Cool and cloudy this morning. Loving it.
  15. 7th day above 90. Hoping tomorrow is actually going to be cloudy. I'll take a "cool" forecast of 84 for a change, yes please.
  16. Checked the forecast before work this morning and it said t-storms all afternoon. We had maybe two drops of rain, and now it's looking like the sun's wanting to come out. I can see that everything is developing south and east, but what I want to know is why did this forecast bust so hard for Berks?
  17. Topped out at 97.3 imby. Seems pretty in line with RDG actually, which is about a mile away and at roughly the same elevation. We do have some local topography that I think does influence our microclimate--for example, coming home from work this past week and according to my car thermo, driving along the Skook near my house is ~5°F cooler than at my house, which is maybe 150' higher ASL and on somewhat of a low hill.
  18. Looks like I topped out at 98'6°F for today. Really hoping that convective line in western PA can make it through but not holding my breath. Hottest day here since June 30, 2021 where we recorded 98.9.
  19. Mowed and trimmed the front yard. Didn't super need it but the weeds were starting to take over all the cracks in the driveway.
  20. Went outside to escort my dog for her evening constitutional in the back yard and got assaulted by the heat and humidity. It reminds me of Florida, like when you step off the airplane and the atmosphere smacks you in the face.
  21. It's almost 7 pm and still over 90. I don't care how dry it may be, that just ain't right.
  22. Slow-moving pop-up just south of me, and some other storms forming along I-80 and in the SW part of the state.
  23. Still nasty gross up here. Our high was only 95.3, but it's been consistently above 90 since 10:45am.
  24. 96.4 for a high imby today. Car temp topped out at 98 several times driving from south NJ to Reading. Told my wife I'm not putting out the garbage until it's dark out lol
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