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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Saw that tornado-warned storm SW of B'more. Sure enough, relative velocity was very apparent. The warning has since lapsed, but the signature is still there (as I type this).
  2. Eh, turned out pretty decent with .48" in the gauge so far.
  3. Feeling the occasional spit of rain outside, but the radar returns over me suggest that there's a lot of virga.
  4. Amen. We ate out on the deck last night, and afterwards we chilled out on the patio chairs for a couple of hours. It was just perfect last night.
  5. Man what a beautiful day today. If the rest of summer could be like this, I'd be ok with that. I've been out of town for a few days, and my wife hurt her back right before I left so she couldn't mow--it's been 10 days since we mowed last. Two hours of bushwhacking later, and I barely had to wipe the sweat from my brow. 25% humidity FTW.
  6. So far the storms have fizzled before reaching the Teterboro area, but the radar to the west looks promising. Just ordered pizza. Should get here before anything significant rolls through. It was a nice day up here, only reached 73°F and has been pretty much overcast all day. Meanwhile, back home in Reading, my back yard PWS reports a high of 94.1 with a current temp of 89 there.
  7. Made it to 95.7°F at home today. I'm up in Teterboro for the week and only saw 89°F in the car, though it's a new car and I haven't validated it yet. Seems a bit low given that the closest WU station measured at least 94. I wonder if there's a way to calibrate it. Anyway, even though I'm only 2.5 hours-ish northeast of home, we are expected to be significantly cooler tomorrow here due to a cold front pushing down overnight. My HS in the 90's also had no A/C except for the permanent "temporary" classroom trailers out back. 700 kids in a building designed for 400. The HS has since been relocated to a brand new building and the former location has been gutted and rebuilt into who knows what these days.
  8. Possibly, but I've had no reason to doubt it in the year and a half it's been up. Here's a current temp map from WU:
  9. It's almost 5pm and the temperature is still rising. Already 4°F over forecast. 84 right now. At least it's dry-ish?
  10. .73" from yesterday and this morning. Not bad. Still some passing showers, and just saw a lightning strike near Allentown. Just a lovely, dreary, late spring weekend morning. Mmm, coffee. Morning, all.
  11. Getting some training, heavy rain now. Not much in the way of thunder. If I wasn't planning on staying up a couple more hours, this would be wonderful to fall asleep to.
  12. What do we think about the system about to head through Maryland? SPC has most of the southwest part of MD under a thunderstorm watch until 10pm. Is that when the threat dies down, or is that when the threat moves out of the area? We're starting to get into the hours of the night when diurnally driven convection should taper off, but I don't know about this system given how long-lived it has been.
  13. For all that sturm und drang, we only ended up with .29". Now it's super humid, 68°F. We did record a wind gust of 24mph as it went through.
  14. I know it's not for everybody, but I rather enjoyed it, actually. Today was a super nice day to be out in the field, without the sun just beating down on you like it seems to do more often these days. I dunno, maybe I just didn't notice it as much growing up, but it sure feels way hotter when it's sunny out than it used to.
  15. Days like today are 100% why I wanted to be a geologist. More than makes up for all of the crappy weather days. This was my "office" for today, doing some well sampling in some woods north of Coatesville. 69 and dry here now. Only got .03" precip yesterday. Loving this weather after last weekend.
  16. Seeing lots of pink returns in that line sweeping through Chester Co.
  17. Eh, most of the rain went north and south of us. Cooled down to a much more respectable 75°F though.
  18. Just had a proper gust front from a cell moving overhead. It's about to pour!
  19. Clouded over just a few minutes ago, temp's down to 89 now.
  20. One of my poor neighbors decided now was the right time to mow. Hope they're staying hydrated.
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