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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Euro weeklies are like wishing on a shooting star
  2. Good...I'm in New York most of February and I could use some snow. We should hang out
  3. My final point only because I don't really want to inhibit anyone from doing what they love to do....it's not about last night it is a cumulative thing. I'm only expressing my feelings about it and I certainly don't speak for anyone else. Your analysis of the runs psu are spot on...bad news or good news it is what it is. I've gotten to 20" with a bad news winter so yeah maybe my posts are jaded I get that. Like I said just be you...maybe I just needed to get my opinion off of my chest. I'm going to get coffee and a new pair of running shoes. I hope everyone has a wonderful day...see ya in the dumpster later....I promise not to bring any more matches. I apologize for cluttering the main thread. Mods move or delete as you see fit. Hugs and kisses to all
  4. You're getting carried away from being critiqued by one individual. You don't have to care what I say plus your characterization of what I'm saying is not correct but of course you know that. Your narrative is if someone says something about your analysis of a bad run then they must not want to hear bad news. Sure some are like that...me...I've proven many times that I like snow and enjoy each event as it comes. If the model run is bad...meh...on to the next run. You like to hammer home your points...you yourself have admitted that...debate coach and all. Beating a dead horse has nothing to do with bad news and has everything to do with hammering home your point...good bad or otherwise. Look I'm just a casual observer on this site I like to banter and goof around. I know that it can be annoying but I also pull back when the shit is getting real with storm threats. 90% of my posts are in banter...that's where I belong. You do you man...dont mind me.
  5. Say anything you want man we obviously interpret your style differently...carry on
  6. Just say what it says that's fair game I don't think I'm discouraging that I'm just saying the color commentary and artistic license is a bit different than that. But it's a free world...I'll keep quiet and let you guys have at it.
  7. dude go see a movie and yell fire lol there is a slight difference between pointing out the good and bad of a run vs what you're doing. I'll let others determine on their own. And Bristow....dude...you're world famous for op run panic...relax man...it's only snow bro. In the famous words of the comic Dom Irrera...."no offense"
  8. Feels like it snows here all of the time
  9. I stopped looking when it slowed down and now it's snowing again...Hooray Snow!!
  10. Hello Mrs. Ji we all want to thank you for hacking your husbands account and coming on here to post for a brief moment. As I'm sure you know your husband can be a first class clown sometimes so we all give you a high five for your patience.
  11. 6 ish hours of snow with temps below 20 with what looks like a decent batch to my west incoming. Not looking for my frowny face emoji that's for sure
  12. I'm ok if I dime bag my way to climo
  13. And the thread title is still weak....I'm writing Randy a stern letter
  14. For sure...basically just reading the analysis of each run the reader can tell the inconsistencies. I personally don't think right now the real pattern has shown its hand yet and may never on the ensembles...something is definitely kinking up the long range looks
  15. I'm sorta tempted to go find your before posts about this storm lol
  16. I'd like to reiterate my protest to the title of this here thread
  17. 15 degrees and snowing it's like I live in Iowa
  18. Might want to say best rates of the day in my front yard
  19. Note to self adjust all nam runs south during our epic February/March
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