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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. I think when we say icing to me if its freezing rain it needs to be in the 20s with light rain falling. If its 31.6 and heavy rain maybe a hand railing might get slick. If we are talking sleet then different story...I like sleet honestly
  2. I work with numbers every day and have to look at YOY and week over week and day to day trends. I'd be interested in your definition of trends?
  3. The only definitive statement in this thread that is accurate
  4. I think Bob has this right...we have all lived here long enough to know climo. This event screams that low level cold will hold longer. I don't expect all snow but I also think that when we rain its 32 and rain which to me means if we happen to get several inches of snow/sleet first that it won't get washed away like some believe. Of course I can be wrong...just one mans opinion
  5. We don't even know how the storm next week ends up lol
  6. Oh I know I just wanted to add my two cents. I definitely understand your line of thinking though
  7. Its possible to like both. I enjoy all snow including watching 2 minutes of flurries to small accumulations to washed away to the big dogs. I love going out and playing in it and just walking and taking pictures to sitting on the couch just looking in the air and not paying attention if its sticking or not To add I don't really care about the total end number at the end of the season. Each event is what I enjoy not some chest thumping total at the end.
  8. Today feels like one of those negative nelly days hopefully 12z makes them happy again but I suspect the fly in the ointment that caused the euro to hiccup will be around today. It won't be a good day to read the board for any positivity....especially if that stormtacker clown decides to post
  9. Bladder leaks and ulcers appear to be the results of last nights euro for some. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for Ji to wake up
  10. 18z NAM starts off frozen out in lala land FWIW
  11. I'm dead serious here....and I'm sure others do it too but Ji believes deep down that the more he complains and says winter over that somehow magically the models start showing more snow. Maybe he will admit it but after all of these years we all have a sense of each others personality defects.
  12. I'm expecting big snows to put me out...I'm hoping some guy way down on the list with crazy numbers wins at this point.
  13. I'm just trying to make sure I still have my wallet
  14. Too late, Ji just cancelled next weekend
  15. Guess I picked a bad time to lose interest
  16. You could just say Ralph Wiggum and it would mean the same thing.
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