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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Since this model consistently ranks high on performance why does it feel like it is always off base?
  2. Agree I can even see a run or two tomorrow where the models show partly sunny on Tuesday
  3. Friday still feels aggressive to me for a Monday-Tuesday event
  4. This potential is as far away as February is old
  5. HM just called for a NYC north finish to winter....31.8 and rain for us
  6. Man...I get fat up here lol. I ate at a new ish place last night called Queensboro...it was pretty good. I come home today so pizza is definitely on the menu before my flight out of that disaster of an airport called La Guardia. Thanks for the offer though....I come back often so all food suggestions are welcome!
  7. Another day in Queens....looks like it may or may not snow next week. Hopefully we can zero in on a solution soon...before the storm starts preferably. I'm anxious to read the detailed analysis in the LR thread, I'm positive it will be objective and focused on all aspects of what each model run is showing. Should be thrilling. Good luck all
  8. What's funny is my name is Donald
  9. My house may very well be at climo by Valentine's day....so my goggles have obviously been that this has been a solid winter
  10. Because I don't panic or moan about lack of snow I am satisfied with whatever I get. I do like your objectivity in your posts though....
  11. Last week I lost all interest in winter...now reading the long range thread is completely amusing...almost dumb like
  12. The euro kuchera took away 5" of my snow since 0z
  13. Spend the day in Queens with me everyone....I'll be looking for that NY dude who came into our forum....I think we will have some coal fired pizza
  14. February seems to be progressing like January did...I can't wait for the February 31st snow
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