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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. Here are 850's from the EPS. Williamsport and their OKC fans might even have issue with that but check out the second panel, with its pretty purples, after the front. In defense of winter weather, panel 120 does show a CAD signature but
  2. This was a lot of ice though...if FRZA it is not something I want part of! Over 1".
  3. Maps I saw posted in the MA forum show a lot of ice for the LSV after the front end 8-12" snow dump.
  4. I mentioned as such this morning. This storm has a great potential to underwhelm even if a foot fell. John Q Public is expecting the next week off work and school.
  5. Well that is not good for snow. That high is much too far west as has been stated.
  6. I concur with this. I do not remember the exact date but there was a storm in the 1980's where it rained a good 1/2" an hour with it in the teens. It would devastate trees and power.
  7. If I see a drastic change in something between one run or another I always put my money on the NAM vs. the GFS.
  8. Personally I felt like it had a more smooth transition to a snowier solution, for this previous weekend system, than some of the more traditional models such as UK and GFS which I believe jumped around a bit more. I am surprised at all the NAM hate I keep reading about (mostly in the MA forum). No doubt it is a shorter range model but I lurked some over the last few years and although they all miss some times, the NAM seems quite good at catching late trends in storms within 48 hours.
  9. Here you go https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=icon&region=us&pkg=mslp_pcpn_frzn&runtime=2019011412&fh=6
  10. Carlisle has already revealed my age though locals who know high school nicknames could have figured it out :-).
  11. Ahh, I did not realize that, thanks for the clarification.
  12. Hi Josh and welcome. I just came back myself after a 13 year hiatus (re: lived in Florida). Not much has changed since I left as to the "other forum". I live exactly one half mile from the Maryland line and I choose to post here. It is funny how a lot of us have similar stories about wives and friends thinking we are different because we enjoy weather. I have noticed that many of the people like this are between 40 and 70 so I think it has something to do with the prevalence of NOAA weather radios and news stations that focused on weather, like KYW in Philly, during the 70's and 80's. Stuff like that got a lot of people addicted...and without easy access to "the internet" back then. It somehow seemed to form this cult of weather followers who all take it out on the internet now. I am sure there were weather nuts before this but without the internet to bring them together it did not grow to the level that it has now.
  13. That is quite the range. Do we all have that liberty of saying we nailed it if we get within 36" of the total? LOL. If so then I am locking in for this weekend. LSV sees 1"-37".
  14. I have already received a "friends and family" email asking about predictions so the media must really be pumping this up. Afraid to say anything as the two LR models I trust the most show it getting to 50 and raining a lot. GFS is an all out dumping though :-).
  15. Snowfall map posted by Don Sutherland on Mid Atlantic thread. Source: National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center
  16. Several old-timers there that started their #neweather, EUSwx etc careers off as sarcastic internet tough guys and 15-20 years later they are type cast and feel they need to keep performing for their crowd. I suspect most of the of the sarcastic ones are decent people in "real life".
  17. I thought you would have picked up some...Greencastle seems to be getting raked. Would not be surprised if they picked up close to a couple inches in the last hour.
  18. Yea it is so hard to tell with this type of snow...it looks like it is charging in then loses support and dries up quickly. Seems it is snowing again in Cumberland and Adams county.
  19. Up to 4" here now....roads are covered again...this stuff is creeping north so some of you are going to get some more tonight.
  20. Snow has varied in intensity this AM. Over 3" now but hard to measure as it is quite a bit warmer than I anticipated. Has kept the ratio's down lower here. As whole this thing has not been an issue for the roads, with the sun up now, as it up to 31.
  21. I think it is amazing that the HRRR is suggesting the Delmarva is going to get ANOTHER 6-8 (corrected)" of snow.
  22. Picked this up from the Mid Atlantic Long Range thread. Really do not want to see this as it is life and property threatening. These are surface temps.
  23. Snow is picking up again as the upper level low starts to get closer. Shoveled the driveway and it is already dust covered again Hope we all (in and near the LSV) get another 1-2" to make this a nice moderate event.
  24. Waking up to about 2.5". I thought I would have 3-4 at this point so a bit disappointing. Nam lays down another few inches but HRRR on an inch.
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