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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. The differences between the 12Z and 18Z Rgem are indeed quite significant. Leery of too much put into where the model places the "L" but definitely a fluid situation to have it that much slower.
  2. Model PBP is all above the enjoyment of finding the differences which lead to the changes.
  3. Not going to extrapolate too much and I think the GFS had more than one lowest point of pressure for quite some time leading up to the storm on the 12th (on the 12Z run) but the 18Z Nam low position is pretty far north at 84. It did slow down a bit from its 12Z run though.
  4. That was my goal in finding out re: the first comment. The timelines/time period was important to understand what it really means if true.
  5. Thanks, I have seen that one from ncep but was curious who was ranking the Icon ahead of the GFS. That is a pretty big claim but maybe right if data backs it. I think I saw the same post from PSU which piqued my interest.
  6. I saw that mention on the MA that the Icon is now ranked higher than the GFS in some type of verification? Does anyone have a link to that...or at least some info including timelines?
  7. Carry that US (GFS) Flag proudly, Mitch....it is probably all we have right now. Been busy but did not notice anything else.
  8. Now do the other models fold? So far, none have....
  9. We got Tim Hardaway for you if you want to really have a shot fest. Ball stays in his hands less than 5 seconds usually.
  10. Down to 29 after a high 47. Rad Cooling. MDT only needs 3 more degrees to have their second longest freezing streak in a year (breaking the tie). Impressive.
  11. Pretty massive disappointment for PD this run. 500 is drastically different. Laughable difference. Ridge sends PD into the Midwest.
  12. N Lanco cash in on the way out the door.
  13. Sandbags and galoshes are the call for gifts this Valentines Day on the 18Z GFS though it did trend south a bit.
  14. @Itstrainingtime rumors about the Sixers are Drummond around the NBA fast and furious.
  15. I think they are great for verifying op's pattern predictions, but snow means maps? Fine to discuss but to me they are no more valid than an Op snow map. More smoothed over but highly likely to change.
  16. Somewhere Tony Danza's ears are getting red waiting for someone to mention his lyrics funny.
  17. In this song, Peg, the real lyrics are below and what I thought they were saying beside it PegIt will come back to youPegIt will come back to youThen the shutter falls (Then we showed them Star Wars)You see it all in 3D (You see it Always)It's your favorite foreign movie
  18. That song has one of the funniest misheard lyrics ever, IMO. It perfectly fits too. The real lyric is Shes gone, Oh I, Oh I'd better learn how to face it....and lots of people think they are saying better learn how to bake instead of face it. As silly as that sounds, if she leaves you indeed better learn how to bake.
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