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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. My mistake, you're correct. It's the rgem. Scratch what I said...
  2. No being a weenie but I think someone in the MA forum said it's been running warm? I have no clue.
  3. Of course! I always like rain to snow events....the changeover is a adrenaline rush. On the flip side snow to rain is major depression...
  4. Depending on location, that's definitely doable as of now. Anything Monday would be a bonus...
  5. Snow on snow before Christmas....that would be sweet. Yeah, I just want some snow on the ground. It makes the outdoor lights look that much better.
  6. Things are going our way too much...it's hard to believe. It seems each model run (Mon/Wed events) just confirms the previous one, sometimes better. I'll just enjoy the ride...
  7. Yeah. I'm thinking upper Mont/Bucks may see a little something but Lehigh Valley has a good shot. I may see a couple sloppy flakes but that's about it. I don't really care....it's all about Wednesday.
  8. I just want to see a road snow covered! Maybe a plow truck? I'm a simple guy...
  9. For today. We're going to get buzz-killed on one of these runs and contemplate jumping off the Ben Franklin....it's just a matter of when. I'm taking nothing serious till Monday....
  10. I'm happy and giddy now but I won't take anything super serious till Monday with somewhat agreement among models. Like others, I've been down this road waaayyyy too many times....
  11. Yeah but you know this isn't gonna happen. I hope but we're 5 days away....Euro will probably piss us off in a little bit.
  12. Should keep greenskeeper busy... Hopefully good times ahead!
  13. Think positive! Many runs and no sleep. You're in a favorable location...
  14. Talk about a fine line if it sets up as depicted. 15" to less than an 1' in a short drive...
  15. Would be sweet, days away and not much wiggle room but even some potential to track is positive. NE gets clobbered. Ji already complaining in the MA subforum....some things never change.
  16. Maybe not. He left the building without handing any out. Maybe he's on his way to walmart to pick up the family pack? 32F / super light snow
  17. Snow tapering off....nice little event. 31F/light snow greenskeeper in the house...he has some work to do.
  18. Coming down the heaviest now with the grand finale as the back edge is approaching...down to 31F
  19. Down another degree to 32F. Grass/leaves/shrubbery a coating...some rooftop sticking. Scenic event, not bad.
  20. Too bad this didn't come through overnight, more stickage. Down another degree to 33F probably due to the intensity. Under a mod band now w/another one to the W...
  21. Grass tops becoming white...went down a degree to 34F
  22. A squall type thing going on...mod+/wind/sideways snow... 35F / DP 24
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