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Lady Di

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Everything posted by Lady Di

  1. Good thing the salt and shovel are still out on the porch. Bring on some flakes this way.
  2. Bunch of Watches, advisories, and statements are out. It pretty much covers all you folks up north. Hoping we do OK down here. I have a procedure scheduled on Friday-will see what happens with it.
  3. 25 here and a few flurries. What a morning!
  4. All is well. Heat running. Coffee brewing. Phew.
  5. PECO truck is outside. Should be back up soon. Don’t think anything will freeze. It’s 48 degrees in here! Wonder what happened? Their outage map just had us flagged as 2. Brrr
  6. My power went out. Looks to be sporadic. Hope this is short lived.
  7. Light glaze. Right call. Nothing coming down now.
  8. Got out 1 hr early. Yea. Right at 33. Thanks for the radar shot. Looks like it might flip before it ends.
  9. I didn't realize Chester Co got a winter weather advisory early this morning. 42 for awhile now. Early work dismissal?
  10. Current traffic cams. There's some ice on the cameras. https://buzzcam.net/MI240.html
  11. I am glad this threat is now a non event for me. I don't do ice. In 1994 I worked for a heating oil company. It was weeks of insanity. The phone rang off the hook, so much so a couple of times the West Chester Police Dept came to the office to say customers were calling them since they could not get through. The owner was buying pick up trucks right off the lot and putting 100 gallon tanks in the bed so we could get oil to the underground tank customers. School kids were helping getting to other tanks carrying 5 gallon cans with spikes on their shoes. A lot of customers homes were just not able to handle the big truck getting in and out safely. I had 2 pages of legal pad customers waiting for us to thaw their homes when their power was restored. People lost a lot that year due to burst pipes. In 2014 my father died suddenly and I left work to stay with Mom at my childhood home. I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks plenty of times that winter. My brother texted me one morning to see how we were in the ice that started coming down, and sure as ish, the power went out. Had to take Mom to my house where the generator was. She did pretty good. Taking a demented person out of their environment can be challenging. We had the TV running so it seemed normal. It was an adventure. Thankfully her outage was short lived, just one night. My brother was out for a week. Now that I'm much older and at high risk for fracture, whew!!! Is all I can say.
  12. Routing for cold rain on Thurs/Fri and hope that snow comes on Sunday! I don't do ICE
  13. Light snow here. Was surprised to see almost an inch left on the gravel drive from the Pre. when I got home for work. I'm so close to the cut off. Will report back with what I get. Have a nice night all. Enjoy. Stay safe.
  14. I don’t know anything about anything but do you think a wind advisory is warranted in these western areas?
  15. This is optimistic of you. It looks to be in a great spot off OBX but then goes wide right. I don't know I think we're toast, but would love the 4-5" storm to verify. So frustrating.
  16. While it seems the next Euro run will start to cave to the other models, what if it doesn't? Then what?
  17. "Would you look at it? Just look at it!!!" That's what came into my head seeing this. Ahhhhh at least I can look at it.
  18. Temp has dropped 2 degrees since last post and have some snow coming down now.
  19. 37F in KSQ still raining. Looks like a nothing burger here. Will see if they maybe still have to treat the roads with the temps falling all day.
  20. I know that's what I thought at first. No water marks anywhere, just the floor. Also the path of where it was leads me to believe the steam made water. Thanks! Hope your pile holds and we get pummeled this weekend. I'm at 37F and some grupel still coming down.
  21. Anyone know how high the dew point got last night? I woke up to water on the floor this morning and I'm thinking I should have turned the humidifier off. At first I thought it came in the side window but I found no evidence of wetness on the window or wall so I think I am the one that caused it! It wasn't too bad but never had that happen before.
  22. Ugh. No words for either. Weather and Birds!!! Maybe we get a stop here!!!??
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