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Everything posted by EasternLI

  1. Euro has the trough a touch more negative tilt than the 00z run.
  2. Who cares if it's going to melt? Just have it happen lol.
  3. As far as the eps is concerned. Yes, There's still some spread. I just looked at them. But it's a little misleading on the loop I posted. Because some have the dual low. But many of them don't as well.
  4. Just a hunch. But I think the double barrel low is bogus. Might not be though. Hopefully today will get a little clearer with that.
  5. Yeah, those maps are ridiculous. Agree. It's based on nothing but column temps. Tossed.
  6. This is one of the most amazing 00z EPS loops I've seen.
  7. Looking very much like the euro took everything to school with this thing.
  8. Looking like it's getting captured south of Nantucket to me.
  9. Doesn't seem to be doing the dual low thing this run.
  10. Light snow looks to break out tomorrow btw.
  11. Nammy could possibility be a tick more amped here.
  12. Still some dual low solutions there. However there seems to be less of those than earlier.
  13. Yeah, euro may be a tick more amped here. Still early.
  14. I would prepare for a big storm in our neck of the woods IMO. Those future casts are tossed.
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