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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Sounds good to me . No big warmth .. just mild. Could you see any of these being big screamers/ damaging?
  2. Yeah same idea here just a bit lesser extent. Same concept on west slope
  3. They struggled on this one as other mets did even though models pegged two areas of big winds . It happens
  4. Many folks here are anti leaf blowers and let leaves just sit or rake. Careful
  5. Poor BOX.. all they focus on is Coast . They don’t understand that the interior hills rip in these storms https://imgur.com/a/Y0oLwl6
  6. It’s funny how 90% of BOX wind damage reports were outside of their warnings and advisories. They’ll never get it. All they focus on is the Coast and the most damage was where they had nothing
  7. What happened to the torch Nov on models? It vanished
  8. The valley as usual will not see much wind. It’s a hilltown and s Coast event . Highest gusts s Coast
  9. It was a daytime event here. Look at how much farther ahead the leaves were. Except for Oaks, they were bare. This year still loaded for bear.
  10. S Coast should roar . Interior we should gust 45-50
  11. Out to run and there’s some sleet here to start
  12. We sleep unless you’re in Norfolk CT on NW
  13. I’m buying a lot of that big ice up there . Reminds me of the NOV icestorm in W CT and Mass in early 90’s
  14. That would be so awesome to get a big damaging icestorm like that so early in the season. Really hoping that works out up there. Jealous as can be
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