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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I recall some green that winter, but I don’t recall lawns looking like late May in mid October other years. Especially in shady, wooded areas. The warm , humid fall has kept the grass growing and green well into the fall
  2. Continues to be signals in the 11-14 day runs and EPS of possible snows.. eerily reminiscent of Oct 2011
  3. Round 1 this afternoon of leaf cleanup disaster. There was a ton of Oak leaves already down after the wind Friday. Backpack blower , then tractor. Lawn has never been so lush green this late .
  4. Heading to Taunton for soccer . Frost in all roofs.. and grass lower els in town
  5. Living essentially in the woods in the hills with no sun and 2 straight chilly days .. temp in house drops fast
  6. Heat on tonight as we stayed in 40’s all day and temp under 60 in house. Seasons in seasons
  7. Did you just type all that out now from sheer memory ?
  8. You should have known better honestly . Never try to portray cockiness and confidence in hurricanes. Ever
  9. Saturday could deliver first flakes to hills in SNE if Nam is right
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