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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. He’s arrogant and typically incorrect
  2. There’s a lot of EPS spread to the east and offshore yielding a colder solution. I’d look for a sizable shift east today on the op
  3. I think everyone would take a snowy Dec and tell Morch to Morch . Get the snows when they count. Not in spring when it melts by 10AM
  4. Next week still looking mighty interesting SNE for snows . GEFS and EPS flip rain to accumulating inland snows
  5. Highs in the 30’s hill towns this weekend and teens at night
  6. EPS has the signal . Next Tuesday we may snow.
  7. Sounds like big damage just happened ip in Franklin County . Reports of gusts over 60. Congrats MPM
  8. Well I appreciate it, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting one. Good luck to you guys up there
  9. Suns out. Line went thru 10 mins ago. Hopefully something fun happens
  10. Nothing lasts forever .. even warm November rain
  11. 3.11 here. Ground is saturated so trees should topple fairly easily this afternoon regionally
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