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Everything posted by S&P

  1. Was walking dogs yesterday by mt hope bridge in Portsmouth, second Saturday guys kite boarding, it was ripping. Hard to see but they were getting some pretty good air
  2. I’m with you on this boss, if we need fewer touch points to play, then I’ll put up with the silly rules. If people just washed their hands would solve most of the problems. go somewhere else to pick a fight
  3. Played last Sunday late, had a group in front of us , didnt offer to let us play through , always kills me when people can’t play quickly especially with how expeditious the game is set up now, so we just jumped ahead of them while they played a par 3. We were nice about , made sure they didnt have anyone in front of them, they didn’t as they had fallen a good 2 or 2.5 holes behind. They were pretty shitty about it when we passed . Never saw them again think they are still playing. BTW cups were raised but not so the cylinder was above grade. So ball rested against pin so you could remove with touching hole. A good compromise, only one put in foursome that would have been good under normal conditions that glanced off pin but didn't go in, we gave it to him as good.
  4. Nice different world here cut mine for the 5th time today
  5. Courses here have raised cups, no rakes, most no carts. putting at a raised cup is different, speed less important, just get it to the hole.
  6. Welcome to the Push cart mafia
  7. Meh tried it and it didn’t work, takes time to established so you will lose lawn in the process,only thing that’s worked for me is lesco’s merit
  8. Portsmouth Ri, some snow in air overnight no accumulation, 36/33
  9. Nice shady side still slow starting down here as well
  10. If it was established it’d be fine, not having Rooted Yet it’ll be sketchy, depends if the freeze killed the live membranes, could be you just lost the leaves and not the plant.
  11. Courses still open here, but you can’t have a Massachusetts license
  12. Wish we had a masters final today, not sure how I feel about a fall masters competing against football. best thing about golf is it fills spring and summer. anyone see 2004 replay with Phil/Nantz voiceover, didn’t know about it, heard it was pretty good. Wonder if tiger will do same today?
  13. I get fert last week from one site in Dartmouth, putting down now, ordered 8 yards of mulch. May as well have something to do outdoors during these times
  14. Not here yet, some are members only because clubhouses are closed. But most are doing things like removing rakes, elevating cups walking only, if you practice social distancing, it’s a good way to get some exercise.
  15. Yeah that’s not a lot unless you piece together something from various sources, box set is your only reasonable option. I have a box set my son used that I have replaced some pieces with that your welcome to if you want.
  16. Also as already noted you should be looking for game improvement or (not sure your skill level) super game improvement. They have bigger club head and are more forgiving for off-center hits. You can find out if what your looking at meets the is either.
  17. What’s your budget and are you looking for a full set (woods and irons) or just irons? ive never done it but I have friends who buy on eBay and get some good deals, but they know what they are looking for .
  18. Bad spot, sandwiched between WGC and bay hill , sawgrass. The new schedule killed it.
  19. I have been saying the same for years after playing AP1 710s for about a decade. Gonna pull the trigger this year , I am a titleist guy. Will demo the T200 and 300 outside once the weather improves enough to be outside. Don’t want to get fit indoors, need to see the ball flight before I purchase.
  20. Peter Kostis interview on NLU podcast is worth the listen , says he caught Reed Cheating at least 4 times. Always thought it was curious when you would see him continually ground his club or clubs behind then ball when he has a dicey lie in the rough. Dudes a scumbag, can’t root for him.
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