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Everything posted by snywx

  1. 2.20” for the day here lots of lightning with this batch
  2. 1.45” so far today.. temp 47
  3. Snow here but only a slushy coating on the grass and car tops
  4. It’s snow here above 700’.. Above 1000’ it’s accumulating on non paved surfaces. Above 1500’ there is 2-3” on all surfaces. Just came back from MSV (1600’) and it felt like January
  5. 28f w/ lgt snow falling. On and off snow squalls throughout the day Coating on all non paved surfaces
  6. Is it too late to add a name to the list? BxSnowWx37 is undefeated the past couple weeks
  7. 4” here & im on the border of Middletown & Otisville
  8. What’s sad is even with the 3/9 event and tomorrow’s potential we still barely break 30” for the season. What a disaster
  9. If 12z continues the trend I would expect advisories to start flying for NE NJ and lower westchester. Most guidance now gives Orange County a 4-6” snowfall
  10. 2nd biggest event of the season lol.. 4.4 otg moderate snow continues
  11. Nice event up this way 29 w/ heavy snow 2.5” otg roads completely snow covered 850’ elevation imby
  12. It has absolutely nothing to do with UHI for long beach.. Its called I have a big body of water just to my south w/ 0 elevation
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