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Everything posted by snowlover2

  1. 0z runs seem to put everything on the table. GFS was a suppressed nothing. GGEM was basically an apps runner and Euro was a cutter.
  2. 18z GFS is weaker and suppressed basically missing everyone.
  3. Just seems fishy especially on the Euro to go from suppressed/non existant to that much of a cutter in 1 run and its members appear to confirm this. Majority are farther south and some much farther south giving snow to northern parts of MS/AL/GA/Carolinas.
  4. 12z GFS has the Jan 7th threat back and farther north dropping 5"+ from NE IA to Central MI. 12z GGEM farther south with 3"+ across S IN/S OH.
  5. No this was an isolated microburst across the eastern half of Montgomery County from a cell that traveled south to north causing significant wind damage. It was June 23 to be exact. I'm assuming you are talking about the supercell that dropped 3" hail around Centerville/Miamisburg area and into SW Greene County. Thinking that was possibly in 2011 or 2012.
  6. 0z GFS had nothing for the January 7th threat but 0z GGEM was back on board with 3-6"+ for a good chunk of IN/OH.
  7. 0z GGEM and Euro both look really interesting for I-70 down to and south of the Ohio River for January 7. GGEM is Kuchera but Euro is not since it's not available on pivotal though i'd imagine it looks similar if not more than GGEM. GFS has a storm but it gets shoved to the gulf coast due to a likely overdone push of cold air.
  8. Was wondering how long it would take them to issue that. Very foggy here in Dayton.
  9. Things off the top of my head... 2012 Derecho 2014 June microburst causing substantial damage in my neighborhood 2019 Mid January snowstorm breaking a near 4 year winter storm warning drought. Spring brought heavy rains and flooding. Unexpected Memorial Day tornado outbreak. I say that because it was supposed to be more of an IL/IN event. EF4 was 1/2 mile north of me. Minor snowfall in November at having 90's to end October.
  10. Today is the 15 year anniversary of the 2004 pre Christmas winter storm. Won't ever forget those 2 days. https://www.isws.illinois.edu/pubdoc/CR/ISWSCR2005-03.pdf
  11. Yeah not us but GFS fantasy land hasn't really showed anything for some time until now so decided to share it for the heck of it.
  12. 18z GFS tries to get interesting with the storm next weekend for the southern sub and then lake effect cranks up for a day or 2 as the storm moves east.
  13. Not everyday you see a storm transfer from NW IL to just SE of Cincy.
  14. It could be because this is happening with 2 waves over a 24 hour period. If they are like ILN who's criteria(in part) is 8" in 24 hours, then it won't meet the criteria.
  15. 6z NAM joins the other models farther south.
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