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Posts posted by Floydbuster

  1. Western Florida has been very lucky with storm surge. Hurricane Charley 2004 was a 150 mph Cat 4 and the small size limited the storm surge. Hurricane Irma would've had a tremendous surge but hitting Cuba, then the Keys as well as the odd angle it approached the coastline gave many areas a reverse surge.

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  2. I think the further east this goes, the stronger. If it mills in the Gulf too long interacting with the trough, it'll weaken more prior to landfall. It's also possible further east movement with the trough could allow it to strengthen similar to Charley or Wilma on their approach to Florida.

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  3. 37 minutes ago, beanskip said:

    This "stall in the gulf" thing seems like a thing. I remember the models picking up on that pretty early with Matthew. Bears watching. 

    Hurricane Isidore in 2002 had similar scenarios. We didn't know whether the trough was gonna pick up Isidore and pull it to the Florida panhandle, or if Isidore would miss the trough and end up milling around in the Gulf of Mexico for days becoming a monster until another trough picked it up and pulled it into Louisiana.

    Eventually, the second scenario occurred, but the high pressure that built in during the time Isidore had weak steering currents wound up bumping the hurricane into the Yucatan Peninsula, weakening it from a 934 mb monster to a large pin-wheel tropical storm. The storm never rebuilt it's inner core and by the time it made landfall in Southeast Louisiana, it was just shy of becoming a hurricane.
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  4. 7 minutes ago, Normandy said:

    While the details are still to be worked out, in my mind the big synoptic picture is somewhat clear.  Our Invest will miss the weakness carrying Fiona north and will slide west into the Caribbean under a transient ridge to the north.  Once it gets past Hispaniola it will begin to move WNW in response to a weakness developing ahead near the Yucatan.  Once near or past Jamaica it begins its recurve into the Eastern GOM.  Gonna be some long nights ahead.


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