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Everything posted by weatherbo

  1. Beautiful day in Negaunee yesterday with a high of 58. After work hiked up suicide hill, sat, had a beer.
  2. Was out working in the yard cleaning up from winter, cutting up fallen tree limbs and even with dews in the low 50's I found it too warm. I've become heat intolerant and find it easier to keep warm than cool down. Plus, I do not have AC and the house can heat up quickly this time of year before the leaves come on and there's shade to keep cool in. Thankfully "real" heat and humidity are not very common here, as some years I don't even reach 90 and dews in the 70's aren't too common either. Far cry from my Indiana days.
  3. Pretty sure I was the first yooper to complain about the heat. 78 was uncomfortable for working outside. I'd take 60-70 all summer... upper 40's at night.
  4. Really? I thought it took forever. interesting fact tho: during the storm the temp hovered around 32 at night, 33 during the day. As soon as the snow ended, temp quickly rose to 35 and it has not been back below freezing since. It really was winters last gasp. already 63 with very light winds. Feels like a lake breeze will develop.
  5. 35 for the overnight low with another beautiful day on tap in the mid-60's for highs. Snow down to patches except in the swamps where it's still a foot. Finally feels like Spring is really here. Summer will fly and the snow will be back before ya know it.
  6. Dense fog with a heavy marine layer, 43 degrees. Hope Brian over in TH is enjoying it as much as I am. Tue-Thur sun and 60's! Will feel much appreciated.
  7. .25 inch of rain last night with a low of 40. Already 48 with just a few sprinkles out there. First deer I've seen up here since late December. Slowly migrating back to the higher terrain areas. I specifically remember this young doe. It was hell keeping her out of the garden last Summer... Bottle rockets seem to do the trick tho lol
  8. A few sprinkles this morning then a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 55. About a foot of snow left otg... lots of melting.
  9. Here's some final totals and the snowfall history map. And lastly, a sign that Spring is just around the corner. MQT: Four days of heavy rain and snow brought record-breaking precipitation amounts across portions of Upper Michigan between April 29th and May 2nd. Of particular note was the 24-hour snowfall observation of 27" in Herman, MI on May 1st; the greatest 1- day May snowfall east of the Mississippi River in the official U.S. climate record! #906wx
  10. Had received 1.16" in rain the 2 days leading up to the storm and that had cleaned a lot of the remaining snow up. There were piles from shoveling and blowing yet, and the yard and woods had about a 60/40 mix of bare ground and patchy snow of a few inches left. Was looking at some climate info for MQT and this is how wet it is. Storm total snow 28.7" (liquid 5.15") Total qpf the past 5 days including the rain 6.26" Needless to say there will likely be some serious flooding issues, as river/streams were running high and the ground already saturated.
  11. Hey all. Snow is done, estimate 31-33 inches fell... power still out. It's going to take me all day to clear snow. I'm not gonna wait and let it melt because it will settle and refreeze tonight (and make it even tougher to remove), and I need to be able to get out if I have to. Not that it matters much now because I wouldn't be able to go far. Just some pics from around the house... most y'all are familiar with these shots... but it is remarkable to see in May. And this was probably the second best storm of the season and pushes me very close to the 300 inch mark.
  12. Pines are caked because the snow started briefly as rain and coated them but the winds gusting into the 40's here in the higher terrain really helped to keep the snow from accumulating on hardwoods... thankfully. Will post some pics after I coffee up and get outside. Gonna be a long day. The denseness and depth of this snow is at the top end of what my equipment is designed for. I purchased a new Kubota tractor last week with a commercial blower but delivery isn't until next week. go fig.
  13. Completely blizzard-like buried. Guessing somewhere around 30" has fallen. No power for 16 hours but geni is keeping the two freezers, fridge, and a few lights going and that's it. Roads are not passable and the power and plow trucks are reporting getting stuck. STILL snowing!
  14. Left the snow stick in the drive and it's measuring 18 inches now. The snow is so dense it's blue, and point has another 17" between tonight and tomorrow with several more possible today as an uptick in rates, possibly the heaviest of the storm coming this afternoon... some crazy shit up here.
  15. If counting Saturday night. It's accumulating rapidly today, way more than I'd expect for May 1st. Likely over 2' will have fallen by late afternoon.
  16. Just measured this on my driveway which was back to asphalt yesterday after 2.5" of snow night before last. MQT as of 7 am had 10.5" with 2.00 liquid, so ratios running just over 5:1.
  17. It has literally been pound town for about 13 hours now with in excess of a foot of snow. Remarkably power is still on but has been flashing. Another 24 hours of snow with 20" in the point yet to fall. This could be the densest snow I've ever witnessed.
  18. House sits right about 1620' What's interesting is the enhancement with this storm will be from the persistent upslope northerly flow with no actual "lake" enhancement. If this were 6 weeks ago, I can't even imagine. The bolded also has my attention. Could be some crazy surprise totals since their snow forecast map is an actual copy and paste of the 18z model blend. Moderate to heavy snow will be ongoing across much of the interior west by Monday morning. Surface low will deepen to sub 980 mb during the day Monday as it rotate westward to near Drummond Island. With the very slow movement and off the charts moisture availability from the Gulf and Atlantic, the western U.P. will be in the comma head for an extended period of time. While 85H temperatures will not be cold enough for lake enhancement, thank goodness, persistent upslope flow with northerly winds will maximize precipitation over the highest terrain. Models are in consensus with widespread 2 to 5 inch qpf amounts with locally higher amounts expected over the Huron Mountains. The NAM Nest depiction of 8.5 inches of qpf and 85 inches of snow is clearly overdone, but its scary to see a model solution like that at this close of a time range.
  19. Nam NOT backing down on snow or qpf. This could be one for the books. Weenie flag flying.
  20. Been snowing since about 2 am. WPC and models both indicate the possibility of up to 3 feet of snow right around here with 5+ inches of qpf. Heading to town for geni gas because I can see where this is headed.
  21. A little concerned...will do the usual preparations for a big dog but def not looking forward to flooding and tree damage. The road between here and cr 510 is already in bad shape due to washouts and erosion with the heavy rain and rapid melt already seen. Seasonal snow still otg here too. Very slow to melt with the high water content this year. this morning in front of my house:
  22. This is the forecast through 8 pm Monday from NWS and also from the local met for the total event, and for fun the 18z gfs
  23. Even tho this would be one heck of a stat padder, I honestly would prefer rain.
  24. 3.6 inches at MQT(.46 liquid) which is a record for the date. Close to same here with .51 liquid. Wet and at times very snowy weekend into early week looking likely. MQT is now at 236.4"... a few other notable places: Bergland Damn 239.9" Herman 255.5" Calumet 265.4" Ironwood 237.4" Munising 215.1"
  25. Trust me. This is not what I wanted to wake up to. Last year in late May, did some excellent morel hunting in the far southern part of the UP just north of Menominee... driving down back roads you could see their golden heads in the sun, poking up through the grass in ditches. Easiest pickins ever. Not to mention the wild Asparagus.
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