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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Is it bad that I'm having impure thoughts this morning about the not-too-distant severe season?
  2. Sadly, and (nearly always) verifiably true.
  3. I hear/feel what you're saying here and I often used to feel that way. USED to. I started sniffing around here to learn/watch/listen over a decade ago...actually just before the big back-to-back storms in February ten years ago this week. I used to get so pissed when snow didn't work out for my neck of the woods...which was before I learned to understand my climo a lot better. I learned to accept that snow-to-rain events (and often, flat-out shutouts) are a fact of winter life in southeastern FfxCo, and just appreciate whatever we get whenever it comes. We've had a few good hits over the years...but generally the northern crew enjoys those on a far more regular basis. Learning the whole model-watch drill is fun...but I also know that I'm not often going to get warning level snow where I live. And that's fine. Accepting that helps me forgo the the needless emotion that can be poured into this hobby.
  4. Your cooking pictures are, and always have been, on point. When I was growing up I had an aunt who was fond of making aspic-based dishes with veggies and meat, sometimes even seafood, when we'd visit her. It was the stuff of nightmares.
  5. The narration was priceless. I want that dude to give me a voice-over on an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper...
  6. My wife has been buying a new-to-us brand of Greek yogurt called Siggi's -- key lime is damn good, as well as their vanilla/cinnamon mixed berry flavors. It's pretty thick, though.
  7. Glad I didn't Google that on the work lappy....
  8. Yep, the Batman-slapping-Robin meme from a couple screens back instantly sprang to mind...
  9. 100% this. Looking out the window several times during that three-day stretch while TW at home and seeing light snow falling most of the time was a rare treat here.
  10. Thanks for the dog pic, guys. It made the WSW > WWA > shutout easier to take.
  11. Dog pics, if you're in a sharing mood, never suck. Neither does beer porn.
  12. The drawer pulls on this piece are a particularly nice touch, thematically speaking.
  13. Agreed...good to hear him getting those kind of accums for a change. You guys OTOH have had a rough go of it in recent storms. Only a trace here, but expected.
  14. Ehh, it is what it is -- actually, I feel more for the Baltimore city/county crew, they've gotten screwed on snow more than most this year. You're only a few miles to the west, but glad to see you cash in more in situations like this.
  15. Woke up to find last night's expectations fully realized -- a downgrade to WWA and forecast of 1-3" this morning. Not even buying that. Currently 34/32, mixed snow/rain.
  16. Ehhhh, I don't know. I think I'd be willing to sacrifice a few inches in a storm like this, to have that cabin, in that location, with access to the kind of sunsets that I suspect you have access to.
  17. If you have a chance and get some snow tomorrow, post some pics...always enjoy seeing your work. Currently 49/22, clouds moving in.
  18. Can confirm, wind has picked up that "freight train coming at the back of the house" sound over the past 1-2 hours. Snow's done for now (I think).
  19. Three days in, I don't think I can remember a more tantalizing, annoying, though ultimately (somewhat) satisfying storm to track/observe than this one in the 30+ years I've lived in this area. That historical radar mosaic portrays some of that frustration...and satisfaction...depending on where you were located in the DMV for this. I'm guessing that we probably nickel and dimed our way to 5" total in this corner of FfxCo throughout the past three days, but the staying power of the effects of this storm were really something to behold.
  20. 35F, sun peeking out more, but wind gusts have really kicked up. Pushing that constant drip-drip from the eaves to 45 degree angles...
  21. Temp up to 37, melting has commenced with a vengeance, winds have kicked up more, some pavement even starting to dry. Even with all that and occasionally brighter skies, we've had pretty consistent -SN for the past several hours.
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