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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. GREAT pics, and I love the snowy owl! He's totally, "Dude....I'm not showing any more than this."
  2. Okay, good meme, and TJ is one of my favorite...and arguably so underrated...actors ever. I really need to get back to finishing the later seasons of The Expanse. Great show. Unrelated note -- I just noticed that it's STILL dusk, a semi-pretty though cloudy-ish sunset, and STILL MOSTLY LIGHT. Dear God, I might yet get past this seasonal affective disorder....
  3. "I will not look at my TSP balance, I will not look at my TSP balance, I will not look at my TSP balance, I will not look at my TSP balance....."
  4. We are at same point as y'all. And balancing the Ozark S4 viewing with the Lost In Space S3 viewing.
  5. Oh, MANNNNN. You can never go wrong with DFH 120.
  6. Literally, same conditions here. Now, to potentially prime you for a banter-based convo....what's on the bottle/can/draft menu for this afternoon??
  7. Serious question -- anybody seen Bird Box, the movie? I bought the book upon which the movie is based a few months ago (based on several recommendations) but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I was curious to know if the movie adaptation was any good. Another sidebar -- currently reading The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan, the basis of the hit show on FX from the mid 2010s. Anyway, the book is good, been a real page-turner. I saw only one episode of the TV adaptation while flipping channels several years ago and it was....unsettling, to say the least. Del Toro is one of my favorite film directors, though his project choices are definitely unorthodox.
  8. LOL. Nevada is part of the "west coast?" CT, OK and St. Louis are off on their own? TX and LA are lumped under the former? WTF even IS this hot garbage used for??
  9. Was 21 when I rolled out of bed about 1.5 hours ago, see that it's DROPPED to 19 when I just went to refresh my coffee. Interesting.
  10. LOL. Well, @nj2va, ask and you shall receive -- here's sunset two days after our Jan. 3 snowfall of nearly a foot.
  11. Well, today's "snow" forecast was a total bust in these parts, but the clouds were trying to break enough to give us a somewhat decent sunset at end of day.
  12. Dear God, I love this movie. And now you've got me hankering for Young Frankenstein. And Blazing Saddles. And even Spaceballs.
  13. I will miss Betty White and her uncanny ability to deliver deadpan lines. My 25-year old son -- who's never seen a lick of "The Golden Girls" -- texted me this clip just after her death a couple weeks ago. He was describing it to me on the phone, laughing hysterically. I think this scene very nearly became a blooper/outtake in TGG, but that Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan SOMEHOW held it together to salvage the scene.
  14. And just as I read, @nj2va's obs, happened to look up -- WOW, can confirm. It's good to look up from the monitor and actually, you know, observe. Currently sitting at 31.
  15. YO, @nj2va, have you posted nighttime snowy pics yet? I'm thinking that you are getting kickass conditions out there right now. So....waiting on updated pics.
  16. I mean, we are TOTALLY gonna get sleet obs in our part of the world tonight, right? Again, don't care....because (and not rubbing this in the rest of the sub's face), we were fortunate to get almost a foot of snow about a week ago. I'm grateful for that....and grateful for whatever we get tonight....and grateful for whatever the rest of the sub gets tonight.
  17. Current situation. BEAUTIFUL outside. Haven't even measured yet, don't care. I was spoiled with nearly a foot on 1/3/2022, this is icing on the cake. I know it will switch over soon, but again, don't care.
  18. It's been 4 or 5 years since my wife and I and our adult sons visited Key West, but wow....what a visit we had. So MANY fun places to stop on Duval, and even on the side streets. Understand that y'all are avoiding the biggest crowds right now, but....SUCH an interesting place to visit, at any time during the year. One regret is that we didn't get to visit the Hemingway House (with the six-toed cats)...but one of my fave memories was taking a pic with myself and my oldest son at the "start" of U.S. Route 1 in Key West.
  19. THIS. It's absolutely gorgeous falling right now. Biggest flakes, heaviest rates so far. I need to get my arse out there to take some pics as night falls.
  20. Well....it should certainly bode well for your part of the world. I should've added that it's 24/20. Heaviest rates right now I've seen this afternoon...although by all reports, the mixing line is probably headed this way.
  21. LOL. With regard to Titanic -- I think some (e.g., your age on up to my generation) will still enjoy it, and many younger than that will simply roll their eyes at it. And yeah, it's admittedly pretty soapy. But I'll tell you this...back sometime in the springtime of 1998, right before the movie was leaving the theaters for good, I finally broke down and went to see it on the big screen at a matinee by myself. My wife had no desire to see it, and I was probably one of the LAST humans to see it in a theater, as I think there were only five us in attendance at the showing. My lasting impressions from my first/only theatrical viewing of Titanic: The special effects were incredible...and I was horrified. Yes, I read and knew all of the personal stories of tragedy on Titanic since I was a kid, read and heard about all of the ways that she ship hit the iceberg and started to sink (even some of the competing theories that it broke in half BEFORE sinking for good), but seeing all of it portrayed pretty damn realistically onscreen? Again, horrifying. Kate Winslet = good. Leo DiCaprio = UGH. Billy Zane was definitely chewing up the scenery in Titanic, but I nonetheless feel he was excellent as antagonist Cal. I've always felt like Billy Zane is a very underrated actor. I highly recommend everyone (at least those with whom I enter into a convo on Billy Zane, which is rare) to watch a 1989 film called "Dead Calm," a thriller starring him, Sam Neill (of Jurassic Park fame) and a then-somewhat-unknown Nicole Kidman. One of the best thrillers I've seen in my entire life. So many GREAT secondary players/cast in Titanic....but it all gets lost in the vortex of the whole Kate/Leo thing. Music = SO GOOD. James Horner is...actually WAS, sadly, since he passed away in a plane crash a few years ago...a phenomenal theatrical composer. Yes, Celine had HER big star turn and incredible charts/sales by warbling HER version of HIS theme with sappy lyrics, but Horner's music was spot-on and moving, especially for Titanic. For these reasons and many more, I purchased the Blu-ray of Titanic years ago, pop it in to watch at least a couple times a year, and will always stop and watch if I see it on a live viewing on the air. It's still entertaining....and yes, still (to me) horrifying.
  22. PLEEEEEEEEZ post pics this weekend!!!
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