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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Just spent the past hour running errands between your neck of the woods, over to Rose Hill/Franconia area, and back home to Hayfield/Belvoir area. Despite what radar's selling, I ain't buying....didn't see one flake, but it's encouraging that you and @H2O did. Currently 41/24.
  2. Twitter has become more "thread-based" in recent years with posters sometimes (but not always) "numbering" their "thread" posts....which helps. On a related note (not necessarily for wx tracking), Snapchat? Only social media platform that actively frustrates the hell outta me. Its UI/UX makes your hair hurt.
  3. Yep. We've still not wiped the shocked face off of our faces yet... We are finishing up the final season of Lost In Space tonight. I will be very sorry to see that series go.
  4. LOL. Did you happen to watch Ozark Season 4.1 these past two weeks? It sounds like you're channeling your inner Ruth Langmore.
  5. Almost every Friday night in the winter, my wife and I do toasted cheese -- sometimes with swiss/provolone/cheddar slices, occasionally doctored up a bit with a few slices of pepperoni or leftover taco meat -- along with Progresso's Tomato & Basil soup. Great comfort food when it's this cold.
  6. BSprouts are my favorite veggie. And it's interesting...you mentioned maple syrup, @wxtrix mentioned brown sugar on the roasted sprouts. I'm wondering if that sweet aspect is something that we've been missing on our sprouts recipe. Gonna try the addition of both of these to see what it tastes like.
  7. You saute those sprouts or bake them? Once or twice a week, we roast sprouts coated in Wegman's basting oil, with a few shakes of italian seasoning, garlic and some pepper flakes. Perfection.
  8. Troegs is one of my favorite micros -- Double Blizzard is very good, the Troegenator is my all-time fave (and even boozier AF).
  9. All the soft drinks/pops taste like that to me anymore...which is why I only drink one about twice a year now. When I was a kid there was an RC (Royal Crown, I think?) Cola...which I liked the best out of the colas. Also, Trix or someone earlier mentioned Cheerwine...never had that until I moved to VA, and that's still pretty good stuff.
  10. Ohh, there's a difference. Throw in the fact that Coke loves to eff around with its formula from time to time, and it's really hard to create/keep a baseline of taste going.
  11. OMG....I spend 15 min alone in Weggy's seltzer aisle making the weekly choices.
  12. I went through a kiwi phase a few years back...but ate so many I got tired of them, plus, hated cleaning the seeds outta my teeth.
  13. I used to think same until I tried a brand of cauliflower pizzas from Costco -- wowzers. Those things are awesome.
  14. Not a fan of raw....but cooked yes, and love cauliflower rice a ton.
  15. Love Del Ray neighborhood....lot of cool homes there. Beautiful homes in Old Town, too, of course....but I can barely take driving/visiting there anymore, let alone the thought of living there full-time. Dealing with parking in Old Town for a simple restaurant visit is a sure way for me to break out into hives and channel the "Anger" character from Pixar's Inside Out movie....
  16. 1: Plum 2-8: Cherry, Blueberry, Cantaloupe, Orange, Pineapple, Peach, Apple 9: Pear
  17. Totally get that -- and I'll admit, my time living in the District was fun. And convenient in so many ways, especially cuz I worked downtown for 15 years. Didn't live in downtown Philly or NYC, but spent a lot of time at friends' places who did when I was in my 20s. Enjoyed all of that....but once hitched, we didn't want to raise the kiddos in the city. At this point in life, I'm just getting tired of the metro area(s), period....grew up in northecentral PA, and you can take the boy out of the mountains, but you can't take the...well, you know.
  18. Where we're at right now, I guess. I lived near Dupont Circle for years when I was single, did a brief stint in Bethesda area, then hopscotched around Arlington/Alexandria with roommates before getting married, then settled into current location in far SE corner of FfxCo in early 2000s. But truth be told...tired of the pace of the DMV. And I want to be warmer year-round. So we're working that decision right now.
  19. Learned a LOT about shine during a stopover in Gatlinburg on way to Nashville last summer...and also discovered some damn good shine out there.
  20. They are. And they ALL think that about our legs when we work on deck during summer swim. Little bastards.
  21. I know he's usually an easy target, especially in this sub. But dear GOD, that map and its "legend" makes my f*cking hair hurt.
  22. I never see your profile name/avatar now and NOT instantly think CICADA....
  23. Key statement here, and a decade or more ago, I used to get SO pissed at all of the wintertime whiffs AND hearing about all of the cashing-in up north or out west. But then it just hit me one season...it's my climo, baby. I just needed to accept it and move on, and so I did. We simply do NOT get the kind of storm threats in my part of VA (in terms of both strength or amount dropped) east/south of I-95 and the Capital Beltway that folks do up on the northern tier of MD, the Dulles corridor or out in the Shenandoah Valley. We have the occasional anomaly (e.g., Jan. 3, perhaps this coming weekend), but at this stage of life, if it's white, frozen and accumulating, regardless of amount...I'm good. P.S. -- I always love seeing the big snow photos from your N/W folks, and I've really enjoyed the winter pic thread this season for that reason.
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