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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Eff it. I’m going 100” at dca for the contest. Heh
  2. @WxUSAF hrrr scoring a coup. Even 395 caved.
  3. Boom scenario here for sure. SN+. Even King St/7 is covered.
  4. Yep, this already my met expectations/win. Just got to walk the dogs in snow/sleet in mid November. Can’t ask for more this time of year.
  5. Snow/sleet mix. Coating the car already and mulch/leaves.
  6. It’ll be interesting to see who goes off the deep end today for a winter storm in mid November. Good early test for people’s sanity but I have my guesses already...
  7. 38/22. Temp and DP slowly dropping. Nice.
  8. Add RGEM to the trending a touch colder list too. Rain/Frozen radar is a little suspect given the 850s but snowfall (lol) cutoff pushed SE.
  9. 1z HRRR 0.6”+ in DC before the flip to rain (between 1-2p). Please oh please let the HRRR be a reliable short term model this season.
  10. Impressive, you’ll do well out there. Enjoy it.
  11. Enjoying a Pinot Noir tonight, watching the game, and nowcasting. Winter’s back...after a multiple year hiatus...
  12. HRRR drops 0.6” QPF in DC as snow/sleet. Would love to believe that...
  13. Pretty remarkable given the time of year and our average high. I wasn’t even expecting any snow for the Beltway and was hoping for an hour of frozen before rain. Latest guidance is suggesting 5-6 hours of frozen is certainly possible. Imagine if that happens and we score a snow squall as the ULL passes by. #housemoney
  14. Interestingly enough the HRRR and 18z Euro have very similar flip times (18z) for DC. Not hating the short term guidance as we near start time.
  15. Definitely better than 12z especially along 95 — less pronounced differences for the favorable areas. Delays the flip to plain rain in DC to 18z (vs 16z at 12z’s run). Surface is a touch colder too.
  16. I was there at the pub in Rehoboth in June (first time). Great place, loved the atmosphere, and the beer was on point.
  17. Riding the line of rain and sleet/freezing rain...always livin' on the edge!
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