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Everything posted by jhotdog

  1. I guess your walking to get your whopper Ralph?
  2. Everything is covered in Souderton. 24 degrees. Light snow
  3. Look at the moisture coming at us from the gulf. What a shame.
  4. Look at the moisture coming out of the gulf coming right at us. This site should be rocking right now. Instead 90% is rain. WTF
  5. Been ripping here in Souderton for the last 30 minutes. Sleet stay away.
  6. Is today basically no big deal now?
  7. 3.5 in Souderton and still ripping out.
  8. 30 in Souderton and currently it’s ripping snow.
  9. Red would u believe I’m 8 minutes from u and still mostly sleet. Un freaking real. This storm may turn me into Ji.
  10. Switched to snow for 30 minutes. Now back to all sleet. This blows. Wasting so much qpf to this crap. Anyone seeing any improvement with the sleet line moving south?
  11. Ralph is it confirmed that it has stalled? If so how long will it sit there for?
  12. It’s ripping here in Souderton guys. Sleet line is definitely moving south.
  13. I’m in upper montco in Souderton. Flakes starting to mix in now. Please switch now
  14. Red u getting any snow mixed in yet? I’m right below you. So I won’t change until you do. Dam this sleet. Starting to look for live things to kick
  15. I love all of the analysis guys. Keep it coming. I’m trying to be patient. But if it doesn’t flip back to snow here in Souderton by 10am. I’m going to lose my shxt.
  16. Ralph u okay with were the low is at on guidance currently? If so am I correct in saying it should be pulled backed west from where it is currently? And then tuck and stall right off of lewes?
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