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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. As a lifelong Cowboys fan, I approve of this message.
  2. Ravens just straight up demolishing the fins. Love it! Lamar is your MVP. Signed sealed and delivered…
  3. OMG! First the Cowboys win. And now I’m looking at the HoCo / MoCo deathband making its triumphant comeback. Best night ever!
  4. “But I’ll let the pros weigh in”. I can’t even. Ok. Back to beer…
  5. Have not read any previous posts above as I just clicked in here after looking at the 18z GooFuS. Safe to assume people started getting slightly encouraged for 1/7? I went straight to the bourbon 3 mins ago when I saw it. Let’s fuckin go!!
  6. January 7th for the win! Plenty of time for it get better or worse.
  7. I’d like to request a separate thread just for beer, love of snow + shrimp po boys. @stormtrackercan you make that happen?
  8. Just stepping back in here after celebrating the WVU bowl win tonight. Way too many words and reading for me (being that I’m a WV alum). When the hell is it going to snow?
  9. Ooooof! Just stepped into a dumpster fire here. Soooo….the @stormtrackerShrimp Po Boy storm is off the table?
  10. It was probably the egg nog clouding your words.
  11. How the frick is it not snowing next Saturday morning with the 540 line in southern Georgia? Come on! Seriously? Fine—I’ll consider a hybrid, but not going full electric...yet.
  12. If we can reel this one in, let’s call it the Shrimp Po Boy storm.
  13. Somewhere around the 1:04 mark, I could feel JI saying I can see the back edge already.
  14. I kinda of knew it was in the vicinity of Richmond, and certainly could have google mapped it, but it was way more fun to throw Short Pump under the bus.
  15. Holy hell! How much for short pump!? ETA - Because honestly I have no exact clue where Short Pump is, but if they get more snow than me, I’ll officially take VA off my “fantastic place for beer list”. Eff the short pump!
  16. I am literally pouring tears in laughter…
  17. LOLz. Not for effect. I have to play Tetris with food items regularly. This is fridge 2. My wife gets to have extra room for food when I can find room for it. She loves the extra freezer space though. And I’ll always make room for Laughing Cow and some cheese tortellini!
  18. All I know is it better fucking snow soon. That pumpkin bisque ain’t going to drink itself!
  19. Time for the happy hour GooFuS good luck blue pixel vibes. LFG!!
  20. Holy hump day! If @Bob Chillis honking…
  21. We need a few more frames to get our blue pixel fix. ETA—GFS
  22. I’m just going to extrapolate a MECS / HECS from that.
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